December 9, 2019

Volume II: Application of Tools: Section IV: WWIII treaty stipulations

[We are pleased to announce that our book, 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation, is now available online at Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. The following free article is based on the precepts of our book (which provides the definitions, methodology, and citations for the analysis, and serves as an example of the application of those precepts to the current geo-political and social conditions on the planet; thus, completing our thesis on the theory and practice of political economy.]

N.B.: When using the hyperlinks in this online book, be aware that some browsers block progressive websites. We recommend finding a browser that operates independent of corporate censors. Also, many links on the web and in the internet archive are being removed because they contradict the corporate state's propaganda.

Invest me in my motley; give me leave
To speak my mind, and I will through and through
Cleanse the foul body of the infected world,
If they will patiently receive my medicine.
—Shake-speare, As You Like It, II, vii, 58-61

Volume I,
Published 2018

7 Steps to Global Economic
and Spiritual Transformation

Volume II: Application of Tools

Online edition, comprised of:

Section I: The cold war and the cartel’s current and future capabilities
Section II: The Sino-Russian coalition's current and future capabilities
Section III: Key theatres of war: Syria, Iran, and Venezuela
Section IV: WWIII treaty stipulations (below)

Section IV: WWIII treaty stipulations

In the first volume of this work, 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation, we offer a state-of-the-art methodology for analyzing political, economic, and social conditions on this planet, as well as a spiritual roadmap for personal and collective evolution.

Given those prerequisites, in this present book, an online follow up, we apply our methodology to the current world power structure and, in this section, propose a means for global transformation. In this sense, we are able to go beyond Plato's Republic, More's Utopia, Marx and Engels' Communist Manifesto, the collaborative Articles of Confederation and Constitution of the United States of America, the Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, and other efforts to define the ideal society, because it is only in our present state of technological development and social crisis that the issues in prior models are resolvable.

In course of this analysis, we have revisited periodically our central thesis: The root cause of global dysfunction is private control over money creation.

Given that the privately controlled Federal Reserve System prints the currency for the world’s largest economy (until China soon displaces it), as well as prints the principal world reserve currency (60% of selective drawing rights and somewhere between 70 and 80% of foreign exchange, and 40% of SWIFT transactions), then nationalizing the Fed is the sine qua non for global economic and spiritual transformation.

This action is necessary regardless of whether the global power structure is multipolar or unipolar, as we periodically note via examples throughout Sections I, II, and III of this online book. Thus, we begin by enumerating the principles upon which our proposed treaty is based.

As we noted at the beginning of this online work, all four sections of Volume II are updated online as conditions change.

Private bank notes under the guise of "legal tender"

First, we will state the five fundamental principles of the treaty to end World War III, and then we will cover them in order, with detailed commentary.

Treaty principle #1

Private control over money creation is prohibited. Money, the value created by labor, may not be commodified and sold or traded for private profit. Currency is a public utility and is managed for the public welfare, which we define as including various universal rights for humans, the biosphere, and the planet.

Treaty principle #2

Any religious objectives that include world domination (via proselytizing, indoctrination, forced conversions, inquisitions, internment camps, ghettos and identity badges, asset seizures, expulsions, jihads, crusades, pogroms, etc.) are prohibited.

Treaty principle #3

Given the implementation of treaty principles #1 and #2, regions of sovereign states within which minorities have suffered historical persecution shall be decentralized into self-determining protectorates; that is, autonomous regions within a larger federation or united independent states, which eventually become unnecessary, as our manufactured hostilities abate.

Treaty principle #4

With the implementation of treaty principles #1, #2, and #3, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights becomes a centerpiece for the lawful basis of global governance.

Treaty principle #5

All significant political and economic policies and operations—including the production and use of energy and goods and services, in both the public and private sectors—must be sustainable.

* * *

To avoid ambiguity, we restate each principle, followed by our commentary.

Treaty principle #1

Private control over money creation is prohibited. Money, the value created by labor, may not be commodified and sold or traded for private profit. Currency is a public utility and is managed for the public welfare, which we define as including various universal rights for humans, the biosphere, and the planet.

Treaty principles with commentary

Commentary on treaty principle #1

In Volume I, "Step 4 – Making money a public utility through sustainable economics" we delineate how a public central bank operating without usury creates a sustainable economy and stable currency. We have also provided an article, "Transforming the U.S. and Global Economy," as an overview of the step-by-step process whereby a privately controlled (corporate) currency is transformed into a publicly controlled (sovereign government) currency.

This transformation from a private fiat currency (capital, a commodity) to a public fiat currency (money, the value created by labor and its adjuncts)—the differences which we describe in Volume I, "Step 1 – Exposing the story of money and usury"—is a requirement for global economic and spiritual transformation. It is nothing less than the resolution of the historic battle between capital and labor; it is the denouement of WWIII. As we have detailed in Volume II, Section II, "The Sino-Russian coalition's current and future capabilities" and Volume II, Section III, "Key theatres of war: Syria, Iran, and Venezuela," there are various global forces at work that hold the potential for the required changes in the method of worldwide currency generation.

We also have identified economic and military participants acting on behalf of religious belief systems, as well as those who serve capital and, alternately, those who serve humankind. Lawfully limiting beliefs that aggressively seek to prescribe individual thought and behavior, in violation of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, is fundamental to reaching an agreement that enables the reconciliation of the competing currency models. This leads us to our next principle.

The Dome of the Rock occupying the site of the first and second Temples

Treaty principle #2

Any religious objectives that include world domination (via proselytizing, indoctrinations, forced conversions, inquisitions, internment camps, ghettos and identity badges, asset seizures, expulsions, jihads, crusades, pogroms, etc.) are prohibited.

Commentary on treaty principle #2

As we explain in "Appendix 6 – The Proof" of our first book, Solomon’s Proof, the current standard model of the universe posits the existence of Singularity,602 where it is presented in the context of a timeline as the event preceding the "Big Bang"; that is, the initial white hole. But given the inseparability of spacetime, except at the extremes of high and low vibration, then the definition of Singularity must also include a description in space, which is the 1st dimension. Thus, the universe is entirely comprised of matter present at the initial unity and it is necessarily and invariably connected to this initial unity via the 1st dimension, which is inseparable from and present in our existence in four dimensions.603

Applying Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle to this Quantum-Torus Model, which describes behavior at the quantum level—and with consideration for the growing complexity of its congruencies at the macro (astrophysical) level as well—we see that the characteristics ascribed to Singularity (everything that ever was, is, or will be; that is, the entire potential of the universe) are virtually identical to the characteristics of generic Deity (omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience), and that Singularity and Deity are both true at the same time, with no means available to prove otherwise.604

What this means, in terms of the world’s religions, is that any claims to truth are only partial, and that any attempts to enforce dogma are a violation of individual and collective human rights. This does not mean that individuals and groups cannot maintain whatever beliefs may suit them. What it does mean is that these beliefs cannot be forced on others. So, when fundamentalists of any stripe use various means—as enumerated in treaty principle #2—to enforce their beliefs on others, or claim publicly that these beliefs must be accepted worldwide, then they are in violation of others’ rights.

As we detailed in Section III of this online book, there are certain religions that rely on various strategies which violate treaty principle #2. As a result, partitioning is required to separate religious zealotry from political, economic, and military institutions. This issue is pervasive wherever tenets of proselytizing faiths (Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism605 being the most prominent) are used to justify war and indoctrination. Such a principle was put into effect in Sweden in 2011, much to the consternation of fundamentalists (and here and here).

At the most basic level, the only difference between the core issues addressed in treaty principles #1 and #2 is the nature of the content—the power over others generated by the economic dogma of private control over money creation aimed at global domination versus the power over others generated by the enforcement of religious dogma aimed at global domination.

Thus, we see that understanding the convergence of science and spirituality, as discussed above, becomes the key evolutionary step in jettisoning a specific set of illogical premises held by the human race. And thus, as noted above, we must make provisions to protect minority rights to beliefs and/or ethnic and cultural practices without interference, as long as they abide by the same treaty provisions. This leads us to our next principle.

Nationalized and militarized police attack Native Americans and supporters
protesting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline
through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in 2016.

Treaty principle #3

Given the implementation of treaty principles #1 and #2, regions of sovereign states within which minorities have suffered historical persecution shall be decentralized into self-determining protectorates; that is, autonomous regions within a larger federation or united independent states, which eventually become unnecessary, as our manufactured hostilities abate.

Commentary on treaty principle #3

In Section III of this online book, we noted several religious and ethnic groups that have been persecuted historically, including: Jews, Kurds, Armenians, Tamils, and others, and to whom we add all native and indigenous peoples (e.g., Native North and South Americans, Aborigines, Africans, et al).

Once the principal causes of war (treaty principles #1 and #2) have been addressed, with a corresponding cessation of political, economic, religious, and other ideological forms of imperialism, then decentralization of organizational units becomes feasible and necessary for human evolution. Such a model does not preclude the continuation of a global body that coordinates programs approved by the constituent members. Obviously, such decentralization requires a process commensurate with the rate of change of consciousness, for which the full requisite resources need to be directed.

This transformation is also enabled by modern information technology, once it is out of the hands of privately controlled intelligence organizations, and redirected for the restoration of individual and collective privacy rights. Current plans for a rollout of 5G, including the blanketing of the planet with satellites enabled for this purpose, will be subject to review, by scientific method and empirical reasoning, regarding the effects of electronic wave propagation directed at humans and other living things, including the biosphere.

The impending creation of the world's largest free trade zone (a synergy of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Russia’s Turn to the East strategy), as we detailed in Section II, serves as an economic example of the type of cooperation that will support the process of decentralization, once treaty principles 1 and 2 are implemented. A recent outline for the development of Russia, presented by President Putin to the Federal Assembly on January 15, 2020, if implemented according to the principles outlined, serves as a general example of the types of thinking needed for global transformation. That said, with the implementation of treaty principles 1 and 2, the emphasis on development should be revisited in terms of sustainability and reduced threats on Russia’s sovereignty.

While energy and mineral resources play a major role in many of today’s conflicts, the conversion of the global monetary system to a public banking network will enable an accelerated shift to renewable energy, as well as a major shift in objectives, priorities, and available funding; for example, educational improvements and opportunities are necessarily a major objective and priority, and include meditative practices (and here), as we discuss in Solomon's Proof, "Chapter 7 – Yoga." This particular element in global spiritual transformation is required for treaty principle #3 to be fulfilled, which in turn enables greater decentralization of power, while supporting global communications and trade, as well as space exploration.

Obstacles and enablers to the conversion from fossil fuels to sustainable energy

As we discussed in Section II, China’s environment has suffered in its role as the equivalent of a cartel industrial slave state, but Beijing’s conversion plans, to sustainable energy, are in the works. The biggest stumbling block is not the lack of technology or will, but the fact that Federal Reserve Notes are backed by oil, and these FRNs are still the principal world reserve currency and foreign exchange medium. So, as we discussed in Sections II and III, China and its energy suppliers—Russia, Iran, Venezuela, etc.—are forced to play that game as well, while they build out an alternate currency exchange, in their own currencies, including all sorts of instruments, such as an oil-backed crypto-currency.

If one believes it is possible to create acceptable nuclear power generation, then the current Russian program, using proven small reactors that power their polar icebreakers, by far the world’s largest fleet of its class, is promising, as are the power stations built on floating platforms that can be docked in remote locations where power generation is difficult. Such devices could be deployed quickly to any navigable international location, thus speeding basic infrastructure development in the third world.606

However, despite Russia’s endorsement of the Paris climate treaty and its development of alternate energy sources, Putin’s statements regarding the use of nuclear power and fossil fuels are problematic, as he depicts the burning of petroleum as the bulwark that separates the industrialized world from the Stone Age.607 In March 2020, Russia agreed to build a $25 billion nuclear plant, Egypt’s first, that will be financed from revenues for the service. While it's understandable that Putin feels the pressure of staying ahead of the cartel's intrinsic inflationary expansion of both currency and territory, as a long-term strategy his view is unsustainable.

Simultaneously, as we noted in Section II, the Sino-Russian coalition is building the world's largest free-trade zone (via the Belt & Road Initiative and Turn to the East), which will also hasten the transition off fossil fuels. So, there is likely an approaching time when fossil fuels can be retired, except for purposes not related to burning, etc. However, as we discussed in all three previous sections, there is an arms race driven by the cartel, to retain their private control over money creation franchises (the Fed, the Bank of England, the EU Central Bank, etc.) for as long as possible.

Comparing unipolar and multipolar viewpoints on the conversion to sustainable energy

From either a uni- or multi-polar perspective, control over oil production results in huge profits, although the timelines for conversion to sustainable energy of the two points-of-view are much different. For example, in the multipolar view, the cartel seeks to drag out the conversion process for maximum profit (and population reduction), while the coalition seeks to convert as quickly as possible, yet retain control over oil production as a means to store value in a commodity that supports its currency, as well as its energy reserves, as required by the current wartime (WWIII) conditions.

In either case, unipolar or multipolar, changes will occur as a result of the global economic and spiritual transformation taking place. Clearly, many details are involved, some of which cannot be anticipated at this time; however, our treatise on the necessity of this change details the tools and methodology at our disposal to accomplish this, which are more than sufficient for the task.

Economic and spiritual transformation are reflexive

As we discussed in "Step 7 – Taking humanity’s evolutionary next step" of 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation (Volume I), humanity is at a crossroads, and our choice is between evolution or slavery, turning what was once considered utopian into a present necessary. A basic finding underlying Humanity 3.0, as it were, is that we are light becoming conscious of itself. Thus, the unity of the initial Singularity event becomes a part of our conscious awareness and behavior, which is why, in our first book, Solomon’s Proof, we encourage spiritual practice and describe various approaches, depending on individual preferences and skills. This leads us to our next principle.

Ubuntu is a Nguni Bantu term meaning "humanity," and is interpreted variously as "I am because we are" or "humanity towards others," but is also used in the philosophical sense to mean "the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity." While such concepts may be foreign to many, a step in this direction has been taken in Denmark schools by teaching empathy. Another example of societal happiness is the Amazon’s Pirahã, who never talk of the past or future.

Treaty principle #4

With the implementation of treaty principles #1, #2, and #3, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights becomes the lawful basis of global governance.

Commentary on treaty principle #4

Given the unjust nature and selective enforcement of current legal systems, including civil and religious constructs, established by the barrel of a gun, we must enact a lawful standard commensurate with the next step in human evolution. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, drawn from a variety of progressive sources, provides an excellent starting point for such a framework.

Given the implementation of treaty principles #1, #2, and #3, the resources necessary for the implementation of treaty principle #4 become available, including universal healthcare, universal education (including the option of post-secondary degrees and post-doctoral studies), and universal basic income (UBI).

UBI, which may also be seen as part of a broader program of Humanity Credits, becomes necessary as we automate repetitive and menial work (via machines, computers, robots, and artificial intelligence; i.e., the adjuncts of labor), and human beings have more time for personal development and evolutionary pursuits.

Since debt-slavery is prohibited at this stage (post-WWIII), examination of prior transitions involving the termination of other forms of slavery is instructive; for example, the end of Apartheid in South Africa. While the intentions of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission were progressive, they did not account for the global corporate power structure that controls South Africa, which forced the ANC to abandon the planks in its platform that called for the nationalization of the banks and the gold and diamond mines, so slavery along racial lines was replaced by debt-slavery, with its racist legacy carrying over.

While it is a necessary and important function of transitional justice to enumerate the various crimes against humanity and war crimes perpetrated by the old regime, truth and reconciliation commissions tend to favor restorative, rather than retributive, justice. Of course, an element in such a strategy is the continuing control by a small group of financiers and their various levers of power derived from control of the state apparatus. That is not to say that retributive justice shall be ignored, only that the scope of such is variable historically.

Certainly, the grievances detailed in the Declaration of Accountability (drawing from the precedent established in the Declaration of Independence), written in late 2010 and early 2011 and which we update from time to time, serve as a starting point, as they are all criminal violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Yet, restorative justice should be our primary focus. One aspect of restorative justice is covered in treaty principle #3, but reparations are a necessary and equal addition to this, meaning that all resources necessary, to restore conditions consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, must be provided by public central banks via the issuance of base money,608 as well as by various jurisdictional levels of government—within which the restorative target population resides—via project management and coordination of the requisite public agencies, assets, and labor.

The whole earth

Treaty principle #5

All significant political and economic policies and operations—including the production and use of energy and goods and services, in both the public and private sectors—must be sustainable.

Commentary on treaty principle #5

Following the introduction of a publicly owned central bank and banking network (in treaty principle #1), a stable currency, with only minor fluctuations of inflation or deflation, becomes the rule (as we detailed in Volume I, "Step 4 – Making money a public utility through sustainable economics"), as does the steady value of the purchasing power of labor (including UBI).

This means there will be a culling of production involving goods and services that use resources in a manner that is not sustainable economically and biologically. Much of human activity and production today serves no purpose other than "make-work projects"609 for consumers and cannon fodder, in a privately controlled, corporate environment that serves the interest of a small group of financiers and their executive and managerial classes.

As noted in treaty principle #4, automation and UBI eliminate the need for "make-work projects."

Such a transformation also involves the increased availability of goods and services needed to support individual and collective creative development and evolution in all furthering endeavors. As we discussed in both our first book, Solomon's Proof, and in the Preface to our second book, 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation, our most basic responsibility, as light conscious of itself, is to discover our gifts, develop them, and share them with others.

Barcelona, 11/11/17

Tipping point

Aligning our efforts with our responsibilities is the means by which our global spiritual and economic transformation shall occur. This means being proactive for such change. Recent studies indicate that the tipping point for setting into motion the treaty principles is 3.5% of the population,610 which in turn represents a much larger percentage of the population who are in accord with these actions. The greater the numbers, the swifter the transformation.

The study, conducted by Erica Chenoweth, a political scientist at Harvard University, also confirms "that civil disobedience is not only the moral choice; it is also the most powerful way of shaping world politics."

Essentially, this study supports the notion that the means—non-violent civil disobedience—must be consistent with the ends—peace on earth.

We have a number of models for such movements—Gandhi, King, et al.—but our endeavor is not confined to one country; it is a global transformation. Current uprisings against the corporate state cartel include Iraq, Columbia, Bolivia, Chile, and France. In all these locations, the militarized and nationalized police, working in conjunction with the military, are operating against their own class interests, serving as shock troops (a Gestapo) for the financiers, some of whom are foreign nationals. This is treason.

As we have already noted, it is not our intention to prescribe a specific approach, but rather encourage all persons to discover their gifts, develop them, and share them with others, and to encourage all persons to stand up for their rights as defined by the Declaration of Human Rights.

Further commentary

We offer a few observations that are aimed at easing and accelerating the transformation.

Distress signal

Transforming the U.S.

In our article, "Transforming the U.S. and Global Economy," we outline certain measures designed to transform the currency of the U.S. from private bank notes to sovereign currency issued by the U.S.A., a government that represents the people.

There are, of course, a number of other societal issues that must be addressed, using all necessary available tools, to repair damage, restore rights, build economic independence, and move to the next level of global consciousness.

We begin with the U.S. because it is the principal lever by which the Anglo-Euro-American banking cartel exercises its power, based on control over the Federal Reserve System and the Pentagon. As noted, the Fed is a privately owned printing press for the world’s largest economy as well as the principal world reserve currency. Thus, transformation of the U.S. is central to world transformation.

The Constitution of the U.S.A.

As noted in 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation (Volume I), and in our articles, "Rediscovering 'In Congress, July 4th, 1776'" and "The Missing 13th Amendment: *No Lawyers Allowed In Public Office," the original United States of America—established by the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution for the United States of America—has been hijacked through a series of criminal actions masquerading as legal activities.611

While there has been a concerted effort on the part of so-called progressives of the "politically correct, historically ignorant" variety—regarding the Electoral College, casting all the framers as slave owners—to denigrate the Constitution, not to mention the cartel's selective enforcement of the Constitution when it is convenient for their purposes, our objective is to return the Constitution as the law of the land. Since it has always been an evolving document, this means that amending the Constitution is part of the process of returning the U.S.A. to a sovereign nation, and for it to live up to the Declaration of Independence’s promise of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," with "equal and inalienable rights" for all, consistent as well with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The simplest way to begin the transformation of the U.S., a legal construct of the cartel, into the U.S.A., the lawful governmental body representing "We, the People," is by leveraging the evidence regarding the original 13th Amendment and reprinting the Constitution according to the more than 40 extant copies that recognized the Amendment, before the cartel struck it from the books in the aftermath and confusion of the Civil War.

This means that in addition to the transformation of the currency, and the related inquiries into the means by which various fortunes were accumulated, a review of the Constitution and U.S. Code is undertaken, with the intent of excising laws enacted in violation of the 13th Amendment, by those who have accepted titles of nobility from foreign powers or their subsidiaries, or by those who have accepted remuneration from foreign powers. These foreign powers include U.S. corporations that are controlled or influenced by those foreign nationals who are among the owners of the privately-held bank holding companies and their subsidiary corporate networks that control the Federal Reserve System, as well as the subsidiary executive management of this corporate structure.

Thus, much of the current legal structure of the U.S. is "fruit of the poisonous tree," tainted by "dirty hands," and as such is summarily invalid. This includes the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which is in violation of Article I, Sections 8 and 10 of the Constitution, since only Congress can create money and the states cannot print bills of credit (currency), meaning that there are no provisions for private parties to print legal tender, as the cartel does presently.

The Patriot Act is another set of unconstitutional laws, because it is merely U.S. Code, and as such cannot override rights guaranteed by the Constitution, despite what the cartel’s consiglieres may argue. Thus, all spying on citizens, including backdoor internet and software applications, as well as surveillance and wire-tapping, are unlawful and illegal.

Electoral process

By returning to Constitutional law, current campaign finance laws and media consolidations become invalid, thus facilitating the establishment of verifiable voting and the process of decentralizing media, as well as the restoring vote tabulation—at the federal, state, and local government levels—using paper ballots overseen by qualified observers; that is, corporate controlled electronic voting and counting machines shall be prohibited. Thus, for Presidential elections, the Electoral College remains in effect, though it can be eliminated by amendments to the Constitution. Such changes would not necessarily involve changes to the bicameral nature of the Congress, which is based on the same principles as the Electoral College; that is, a House where votes of the states are based on population, and a Senate based on the equality of the States. This structure recognizes the sovereignty of the states, as is defined by the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, and according to the principles of the Declaration of Human Rights.

Federalism versus sovereign states

Thus, many federal powers that are not explicitly granted by Constitution, and which have been claimed by the corporate captive federal government using an overly broad interpretation of Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 (the Commerce Clause), shall be subject to review, given the command exerted by corporate interests over the executive, legislative, and judicial branches in the formulation of these powers, for the purposes of centralized and monopolistic control.

Headquarters of the Federal Reserve System,
Washington, DC

Real sustainability versus corporate branding of sustainability for profit

As a result of corporate control exerted over the electoral process, including the red and blue political party marketing brands and the mass and social media (as well as polling organizations), the current political and economic marketplace of ideas is poisoned by a variety of propaganda techniques that have engendered "manufactured consent" of the governed.

For example, as our article "The 2016 (S)election" reveals, the electronic voting and counting machines in the five swing states that were credited with delivering the winning electoral votes for Trump were all hacked (not by Russians), but by those who control the U.S. corporations that manufacture and program these devices.

In three of these states, the results were contested by Green Party presidential candidate, Jill Stein. Despite paying the requisite fees for an audit, to this day the states have refused to live up to their legal responsibilities.

The implications of these breaches of electoral law are clear: there was massive fraud, and a significant number of Stein’s votes were electronically stolen and repurposed.

Additional evidence of this scenario are the appointments of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and "the Squad" to the U.S. House of Representatives and the prominent media attention they are provided to create the illusion that they represent the progressive values that attracted so many voters to Stein.

Finally, the clinching proof of this argument is the branding of the blue party sustainability program as the Green New Deal. In fact, these so-called progressives—including Bernie Sanders, as well as the well-funded "climate activist" movement using Greta Thunberg as its figurehead—are serving as "controlled opposition," using a tried and true technique of intelligence PSYOPS, in particular "limited hangout," to attract real progressives to vote for the blue political party marketing brand, thus redirecting these votes away from third parties that are not completely under the cartel's control.

By limited hangout, we mean that these poseurs verbally support progressive ideas, and then offer solutions that do not change the power structure, thus providing a means for the cartel to profit under the guise of sustainability. For example, in our above referenced article on Ocasio-Cortez, we have detailed how the original Green New Deal, which was the platform on which Stein ran in 2012, included a plank on nationalizing the Fed. This plank has been gutted from the pseudo-progressives fake Green New Deal. For another example of "controlled opposition" (namely Noam Chomsky, John Perkins, and Joseph Stiglitz) under the guise of currency transformation, see our critique of the documentary film, Four Horsemen, or our dueling videos with John Perkins.

As we have noted in treaty principles #1 and #5, and in "Step 4 – Making money a public utility through sustainable economics" from Volume I of 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation, a publicly owned central banking network operating without usury are the requirements for a sustainable economy and stable currency. Thus, the real Green New Deal includes nationalizing the Fed.


U.S. reparations for genocide, slavery, and imperialism

As we discussed in treaty principle #4, restorative justice includes reparations and the deployment of all necessary resources. Following the implementation of treaty principle #1, the availability of funds and public assets for these purposes is more than sufficient.

There are a number of obvious issues that must be addressed, though the following lists are not all-inclusive. The first list includes the most obvious domestic populations that have been attacked by Europeans who colonized the country that is now called the U.S.:

• Hawaiians,
• Puerto Ricans,
Native Americans,
African-Americans (and here and here).

While the history of each of these violations of the Declaration of Human Rights is unique in its details, and each of which must be considered on its own terms, the sum of the grievances forms a rough draft of the standards by which the grievances of other persecuted domestic populations shall be considered on a worldwide basis.

Global reparations for genocide, slavery, and imperialism

The second list includes the most obvious foreign populations that that have been attacked by Europeans who colonized North, Central, and South America, as well as the Pacific Basin:

• Filipinos
• Japanese
• Cubans
• Mexicans
• Columbians
• Brazilians
• Chileans
• Bolivians
• Samoans
Africans, Europeans, Asians, Irish/Celts/Gaels, Kurds, et. al.
Indigenous peoples on all continents

A third list includes victims of state terrorism and fascist repression, for example:

• Argentina • Spain • Chile • Brazil • Columbia • Bolivia

As with the list of domestic populations, the sum of the grievances forms a rough draft of the standards by which the grievances of other persecuted foreign populations shall be considered on a worldwide basis.

The United Nations Trade Headquarters, Beijing
Mark Dziewulski architect, image courtesy Mark Dziewulski

Dissolution and reformulation of the United Nations into a Confederation of Nations

The nature of warfare in the 20th century gave rise to a pair of notable attempts—the League of Nations and the United Nations—to create a confederation of nations dedicated to solving international conflicts, as well as addressing overriding global issues.

In both efforts, the objectives of those who direct the forces and assets acquired through private control over money creation have leveraged their central banks and proxy militaries to override and overrun nations and majority and minority populations612—with impunity, seizing power over various state apparatuses, thereby undermining the initial, independent objectives of both these bodies, and supplanting them with the financiers’ consolidation of power; for example, the current Secretary-General recently extolled the virtues of the U.N.’s use of blockchain currency, similar to Bitcoin, a commodity which has been wholly manipulated by the cartel. Many pundits foolishly compare Bitcoin to the cryto-currency efforts of China and Russia, which are publicly owned and backed by gold and oil..

Given the implementation of treaty principles #1 & #2, the reformulation of the United Nations as a body representing a broad spectrum of sovereign peoples becomes possible. This means that issues of deploying financial and productive assets, as well as the requisite labor, for solving various issues, have been solved, and that protections of persecuted minorities (ethnic, religious, political) have been implemented.

Thus, a number of current initiatives of the United Nations must undergo immediate review due to the agendas of those organizing and financing them, including:

One world government
• Agenda 21
• Corporate medical and pharmaceutical rollouts that deploy unproven practices and substances, or intend to harm and reduce populations
Weather-as-a-weapon programs
• Propaganda disguised as educational materials

Again, this list is not comprehensive, but it provides examples of the ripple effect of changes that follow the implementation of treaty principles #1–#5.

The dissolution and reformulation of the U.N. must also be extended to International Court of Justice (ICJ)—sometimes called the World Court, which is the U.N.’s principal judicial organ, intended to settle international legal disputes submitted by states—as well as to the International Criminal Court (ICC), an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal, which has jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of aggression. Both of these courts are located in The Hague, Netherlands, have English and French as their official languages, and operate as an extension of the cartel’s objectives.

Settlement issues


Through the course of history following military victories, various tribes, peoples, countries, nations, and empires have committed slaughter and genocide, as well as the forced relocation, on the populations of their conquered territories. Some of these events still reverberate today; for example, in Israel, Kurdistan, and Kashmir.

As we demonstrated in Section III, the root cause of war in the Levant is religious in nature, and has generated conflicts for millennia. During this time, Israel has appeared, disappeared, and reappeared four times. In its current iteration, the government of Israel has expanded onto lands that it claims as historically part of its territory, and points to various ancient temples and chronicles to justify reclaiming this territory and resettling it with its own people, while displacing those who have occupied this land for a significant period, having done to Jewish populations what Israel is doing to Islamic populations,613 minus the reversal of the occupation of the Temple Mount by the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqṣā Mosque.

As we noted, with anti-Semitism increasing around the world, Israel remains the only place where attacks on Jews and desecrations of synagogues and burial grounds have decreased, as security measures reduced suicide attacks, although rockets from Gaza, by Hamas with Iranian weapons, continue, raising the question of how munitions, but not necessities, are getting around the blockade.

Regardless of one's position on these matters, let us compare these conditions to that of Kurdistan and Kashmir.

As noted in Section III, the territory known as Kurdistan lies within the borders of Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria, and contains a significant portion of the Kurds, who comprise the second largest stateless ethnic population in the world.

Also, as noted in Section III, both Turkey and Syria have made concerted efforts to displace and disperse Kurds, including the present fighting between Turkish mercenaries and Kurds, with the targeting of civilians part of the genocide, and the settling of various Arab peoples in their place.

Along with Erdoğan’s denial of the Armenian genocide by Turkey, and this current slaughter of the Kurds, the aspiring Sultan of resurgent neo-Ottomanism is now threatening Turkey’s Jews.614

Clearly, the Kurds are at risk after having been divided and targeted by western powers as well as their local proxies, thus deserving of a special status under a reformulated U.N.

Likewise, the history of the land known today as Kashmir is complex, involving many migrations of various religions, including Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, and Buddhists. As it stands today, the various provinces are divided thusly:

The key provinces to look at are the three under Indian (Hindu) jurisdiction, which sees the large Muslim segments of the population as a threat to their control over the local natural resources, mostly agriculture (which has benefitted from Indian research) and fine textiles (beginning with expertly knitted cashmere clothing). In response to this, the right-wing government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, by presidential decree (abridging the Indian constitution), abolished autonomy for Jammu and Kashmir regions,615 and India’s Consul General to the U.S., Sandeep Chakravorty, calls for implementing a version of Israel's settlement policies, to increase the Hindu presence.616 This was followed by the passage of the Citizenship Amendment Bill on December 9th, 2019, orchestrated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's extremist right-wing government, which strips naturalized citizenship from Muslims. Modi’s government has already set up internment camps for religious minorities in the northeastern state of Assam. Protests against these policies are building (here, here, here, here, and here), but calls from Hindu nationalists for persecution of Muslims continued, and then erupted into mob violence and murders of Muslims. On a recent visit to India, Trump praised the Modi government for its efforts at bringing religious peace, despite the state-sanctioned violence.

A better comparison of India’s choices is with Turkey and the Kurds, where the occupying power has no historical claim to the Kashmir Valley, as evidenced by the religious plurality of Muslims in that province, and thus should withdraw. Jammu and Ladakh are obviously different in this way from the Kashmir Valley, with the mixed nature of the population. In either case, both examples beg for a decentralized local solution.

The Kashmiris themselves would—as with most populations suffering under outside political, economic, and military organizations—prefer to rule themselves. Thus, Pakistan and China, despite their historic claims, need to step back as well.

Just as with the Kurds, after the implementation of treaty principles #1 and #2, the people and provinces of Kashmir would benefit from independence guaranteed by a global protectorate, and not the armies of the direct parties to the dispute. How such independent provinces shall be governed requires that the local major powers, Russia and China, and the U.S. via India, be excluded. The 70-year old U.N. Security Council mandate for a plebiscite needs to be restructured under a reformulated U.N., to reflect greater decentralization and independence, as required by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Another example of the implementation of these principles would include Catalonia, among other distinct groups chafing under federated control.

Again, the spectrum of the considerations for the disparate foregoing issues forms a rough draft of the standards by which other conflicts shall be considered and adjudicated on a worldwide basis.

In the spirit of the Whole Earth Catalog, first presented by Stewart Brand in 1968, and its theme of "access to tools," the subtitle of the first volume in this series, this concludes the online "application of tools"—presented in this online follow-up, 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation, Volume II—in sum, having presented the tools and resources required for state-of-the-art analyses of the political, economic, and social conditions on this planet, as well as their application, including examples of spiritual roadmaps and the principles for world peace, for the personal and collective evolution that go hand-in-hand with such change.

Peace be with you.

* * *

Robert Bows studied political science and economics at Stanford University during the late ‘60’s, while protesting the war in Vietnam. He is the author of the Home Rule Charter of the Town of Ward, Colorado, as well as a former producer, writer, and director for both Colorado Public Television and Rocky Mountain PBS. He is one of the founders of the Public Banking Institute.

602 One example of Singularity is the Bose-Einstein Condensate (or Einstein-Bose Precipitate), undifferentiated matter attained at or near Absolute Zero (zero degrees Kelvin). Another form of Singularity would occur at the maximum vibration state.
603 This would also be true in all additional dimensions; for example, string theory—which mathematically reconciles the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, the strong force, and the weak force) posits 11 dimensions; however, that discussion is too technical for our present purposes, other than to say that we explain, at, how the existence of strings is proven by "action at a distance," what Einstein termed "spooky action."
and 606
608 We discuss the difference between bank money and base money in Volume I, "Step 1 – Exposing the story of money and usury" and "Step 4 – Making money a public utility through sustainable economics."
609 Much like the "make-work projects" implemented during Roosevelt’s "New Deal."
611 See "Step 6—Restoring law, science, and logic," from Volume I, 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation, as well as
612 and
613 and

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