November 6, 2019

Volume II: Application of Tools: Section III: Key theatres of war: Syria, Iran, and Venezuela

[We are pleased to announce that our book, 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation, is now available online at Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. The following free article is based on the precepts of our book (which provides the definitions, methodology, and citations for the analysis, and serves as an example of the application of those precepts to the current geo-political and social conditions on the planet; thus, completing our thesis on the theory and practice of political economy.]

N.B.: When using the hyperlinks in this online book, be aware that some browsers block progressive websites. We recommend finding a browser that operates independent of corporate censors. Also, many links on the web and in the internet archive are being removed because they contradict the corporate state's propaganda.

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
—Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Ozymandias"

Top to bottom: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani,
and Venezuelan President Nicolas Máduro

7 Steps to Global Economic
and Spiritual Transformation

Volume II: Application of Tools

Online edition, comprised of:

Section I: The cold war and the cartel’s current and future capabilities
Section II: The Sino-Russian coalition's current and future capabilities
Section III: Key theatres of war: Syria, Iran, and Venezuela (below)
Section IV: WWIII treaty stipulations

Section III: Key theatres of war: Syria, Iran, and Venezuela


Over a half-century in the making

We start with Syria, because on September 25, 2015, Vladimir Putin announced that Russia was going to help the cartel in its effort to rid that nation of terrorists. One has to admire the cleverness of this strategy, given the incessant propaganda from the cartel regarding the forces and events surrounding their 9-11 false-flag, which serves as the justification for its "endless war on terrorism."

In this war, the terrorists have been manufactured and managed by the cartel's proxies' civilian and military intelligence services,249 to serve as an ongoing casus belli for a series of seven illegal invasions in five years that were, according to General Wesley Clark, pre-planned and handed to the Pentagon as part of the follow-up strategy to 9-11.250 While Clark doesn't say it, the 9-11 false-flag was called for (on June 3, 1997) by signatories (including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, et al.) to the Project for a New American Century's manifesto, "Rebuilding America's Defenses," as the "catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor"251 that would justify these pre-planned wars.

Almost all of the targeted nations have one or more conditions in common. Syria is a sovereign nation that controls its own central bank and currency, possesses substantive oil deposits, and, presumably, has its fair share of gold bullion. Looking only at public documents from the U.S. government and statements from its embedded corporate executives, one can trace the financiers' goal to take down this nation back to 1947.252 The cartel's "reasoning" for this objective has not changed in the subsequent 72 years.

Hostile takeovers by the corporate state

To successfully build a corporate empire that counts formerly sovereign nations as its assets, consolidation and centralization of power is essential, and the means by which capital gains power over labor is via private control over money creation and the call of the fake value of interest on collateralized assets, the value of which is derived from actual labor. While this strategy of monetizing time, by charging compound interest for credit (advances on future labor), is the poison pill of the cartel's parasitic strategy, profiteering on war, healthcare, education, and energy, as well as on armaments, are not only welcome supplements to compounded interest income, they are additional means of stealing the income of labor, promulgating PSYOPS, and substantially reducing the global population.

Thus, the current war crimes perpetrated against Syria fulfill all cartel's objectives at once: military power that pays no heed to international law; profiteering on armaments; promulgating lies regarding gas attacks253 and other false-flag incidents, in an attempt to demonize Syria and Assad; and slaughtering millions.254

Russian military technology turned around the war in Syria

Following Putin's announcement of September 25, 2015, the military situation in Syria began to change dramatically, first due to the deployment of Russian S-300 and S-400 surface-to-air missiles, which immediately limited the use of U.S., British, and French aircraft to run cover for the cartel's mercenaries—the Syrian rebel army, ISIS and its variants, and the White Helmets. This enabled Syrian ground forces, with aid from Russian and other troops,255 to begin the long and arduous process of extricating the invaders from city after city.

As it stands at this writing, the Syrian government has regained much ground, with the northeast sector, which contains the country's oil reserves, still held by the cartel's military and intelligence proxies and their mercenaries, and a north sector, where an army raised from the Kurdish population who live there, was fighting Turkish troops. At the beginning of the most recent round of fighting, despite Turkey's purchase of S-400 missile systems from Russia, the U.S. agreed to help Turkey create a security zone in Syria between Turkish troops and the U.S.-backed Kurds.256 A number of agreements—some public, some private—have been reached as a means of ending hostilities, which we shall get to later in this sub-section focusing on Syria. There are also additional, less-critical areas, held by cartel mercenaries.

While Trump's recent announcement that the U.S. is withdrawing its support from the Kurds, and Turkey's almost immediate attacks on the Kurds, generated its intended share of distraction in the corporate media, as the red and blue politicos volleyed to maintain their marketing brands, the fact is that the cartel's U.S. diplomatic and military proxy is desperately trying to keep Turkey in the NATO fold.

Additionally, with Russia having destroyed most of the U.S.-backed terrorist positions, the cartel is ceding ground. According to one Russian source, the Syrian government controlled only 8% of its territory when the Russian-back offensive began in 2015. On the fourth anniversary of this campaign, Syrian government troops have recovered most of their territory,257 with the exception of key areas that we have noted, which remain in the hands of the cartel and their mercenaries.

Beyond these events—the cartel and its proxy states (the U.S., U.K., France, Saudi Arabia, and Israel) and their mercenaries, as well as Syria and the Kurds—lie the conflicting interests of various states, including Russia and Turkey, as well as Iran, including its own Islamic mercenaries and jihadists, in particular Hezb'Allah.

The war that cannot be spoken

This brings us to the "other" war in the Levant that is generally ignored, but looms large in the hearts and minds of the combatants, and is, arguably, the central battle: the long-standing religious war between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The general absence of understanding on the part of global stakeholders from across the entire political and economic spectrum—regarding the objectives involved in this war that dates back nearly 1700 years—invariably leads to defective analysis and misguided strategies, as we see in the long line of failed treaties, all of which ignored historical religious animosities as the root cause.258

The usual excuse given, for this refusal to deal with the largest elephant in the room, is that these religious beliefs can never be reconciled, so a political and economic substitute is the only choice, until time heals the wounds. Unfortunately, new wounds continue to be inflicted around the clock; so, on the contrary, any religious objectives that include world domination (via proselytizing, forced conversions, ghettos and badges, inquisitions, asset seizures, expulsions, jihads, crusades, pogroms, etc.) must be prohibited, as a starting point, as we shall see in the treaty to end WWIII, a draft of which is found in Section IV of this online book.

Suppressed and overlooked historical events

By the time Christianity began, practitioners of Judaism had been conquered, enslaved, and expelled three times from Israel, by the Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylonians, having repatriated to Israel following each. These three exiles, enslavements, and exoduses serve as the impetus for the objective of "the return of the Jewish people to Jerusalem," which became formally embedded in the Passover liturgy at least since the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E.). As, of 2020 C.E., using the historical record (which dates the term "Israel" from 1209 BCE) and the Hebrew calendar (5780 years) as a basis, the Jews have inhabited Israel for somewhere between 1370 years (minimum, based on first mention) and 3921 years (maximum, based on calendar).

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem reviewing the Nazi "Handzar" SS division, November, 1943.

One of the key elements of the Roman occupation (the Roman term for Israel was Judea) that chafed the Jews was the minting of coins and collecting of fees for the exchange of currency on the grounds of the Second Temple. In 33 C.E., every member of the Roman Senate was a money lender,259 and the practice of usury of the imperial coinage was rife throughout the empire, including religious sites.

When Jesus drove the money changers from the Temple, he was quickly crucified (the Roman punishment for sedition). The Christian bible was edited by Bishop Irenaeus of Lyon [3rd Century C.E.] and the Council of Nicaea [4th Century C.E.] to shift the blame for Jesus' death to the Jews under the charge of blasphemy; after all, the Roman empire couldn't leverage and market the text if they remained culpable. But there is a big credibility gap that came with these editorial revisions; because, at the time, the Judaic punishment for blasphemy was stoning to death. So, the argument for the historical veracity of story as it is now presented in the Christian bible, is without basis. Any comparison of the so-called New Testament with the Gnostic Gospels and Dead Sea Scrolls—testaments that were buried in the desert to escape Bishop Irenaeus' book burnings and to be discovered and published 1700 years later—show Jesus' actual teachings and related events to be significantly different in many cases.

Map of the Levant in 805 B.C.E.

The fourth diaspora (exile) of the Jews from Israel began following the 1st-century Great Revolt and the 2nd-century Bar Kokhba Revolt against the Roman occupiers. In 135 C.E., after expelling the Jews and enslaving many of those who remained,260 Hadrian changed the name of Israel to "Syria Palestina," employing a common modus operandi of conquerors, to erase the history of the conquered.261 The location of the original Palestine, referred to as the Philistine states, is today's Gaza (thus the Roman reorganization of the territory was a means of spanning from the Philistine states to Syria, while attempting to bury the name and history of Israel).

This expulsion of most, but not all, of the Jews in Israel continued beyond the Roman occupation—except for a brief, unfulfilled respite, when Julian, the only emperor to reject Christianity after Constantine, allowed the Jews to return to "holy Jerusalem, which you have for many years longed to see rebuilt" and to rebuild the Temple. However Julian was killed in battle in 363 C.E., and the Third Temple was not rebuilt at that time. Nearly three centuries later, during the Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628 C.E., many Jews who remained in Israel once again rose up against the Romans, in what was the last attempt to break free from the Roman vassal state of Syria Palestina. Six years later, the Muslim conquests began, during which many Jews initially fought against the Romans. And, just as Rome renamed Israel, and just as Christianity attempted to change the story in the 3rd and 4th centuries, in 692 C.E. the Caliphate built the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount, to occupy the recognized site of the first and second temples, in an attempt to erase the holiest site of Judaism.262 Similarly, Islam "overlooks" the synagogues built in the 1st century on the Golan Heights,263 or other historically disputed land, claiming that the land has been inhabited by "Palestinians" since the 7th century, rather than a constant shift of populations until the Ottoman empire in the 16th century. Eastern Orthodox Russia also pretends that this history did not happen.264

While Russia feels obligated to take this position, because they have pledged themselves to "Syrian sovereignty," they must honestly revisit their endorsement of Turkey's ethnic cleansing of the Kurds, under the guise of rooting out "terrorists," and address the issue of Hezb'Allah in Syria and in Lebanon. Without such a re-examination, as Putin and Netanyahu have discussed, Russia has no credibility on the issue of the Golan Heights. Apparently, the Russians are willing to accept a truncated history of the Kurds, beginning after 1923, to legitimize Turkey’s neo-Ottoman aspirations, just as they are willing to look at Israel through a lens that sees no further back into history than the late 19th or mid-20th century. In both cases, they are cherry picking the data—i.e., choosing only citations that benefit their argument and ignoring other relevant data; i.e., the larger historical record—which is a logical fallacy. This is no different than Lindsey Graham blocking Congress from condemning the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman empire.

However, Russia does have mutual interests with Israel in abating Iran’s influence in Syria and preventing Iran from shipping its oil, via a pipeline, across Iraq and Syria to the Mediterranean and destinations in the EU.

The shift in blame to the Jews under Constantine triggered the birth of anti-Semitism, which manifested in the following centuries as Christian and then Muslim proselytizing, forced conversions, inquisitions, asset seizures, ghettos and badges, expulsions, jihads, crusades, and pogroms, leading to the Holocaust. Islam essentially adopted both the Torah and the Christian bible by reference when it claimed to be the spiritual inheritor of the G-d of Abraham, Judaism, and Christianity, and thus embraced the embedded anti-Semitism of the Christian bible. From the beginning, Mohammed had no issues with slaughtering Jews and others wholesale:

• 626 CE: The Jewish tribe of al-Nadir crushed and expelled
• 627 CE: The Jewish tribe of Quarayzah raided by Mohammed
• 628 CE: The Treaty of Hudaybiyya; truce with the Quraysh, who recognize Mohammed's right to proselytize without hindrance
• 629 CE: The Jews of Khaybar put to the sword. Mohammed send letters and messengers to the Kings of Persia, Yemen, and Ethiopia and the Emperor Heraclius, inviting them to accept Islam265

Granted, there were periods of time when Jews, Christians, and Moslems lived together in relative non-violence, in 10th and 11th century Spain and in the environs of Salonica (Greece) starting in the 15th century until the Nazi invasion, but even there, Jews were always 2nd and 3rd class citizens (again, as a result of the edited version of the Christian bible).

So, it is no coincidence that the Roman Catholic Church and Islam align themselves with the Nazis.266 Both parties have a stake in making sure that Jesus, or a Jewish prophet like him, will never appear again. The Muslims had their own SS brigade (Handzar), personally reviewed by Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, to contribute to the extermination of the Jews and other minorities in the Balkans.

Today, Jews remain fair game for Muslims in the U.S. (here, here, here, here, here, and here), throughout Europe267 and in the Levant,268 as well as fair game for many Christians and fascists in Europe,267-b the U.S.,267-c and South America, again, based on belief in the anti-Semitic propaganda embedded in the Christian bible, as well as the purposeful marginalizing of the Holocaust in schools. This is why there was an exodus and expulsion of over 850,000 Jews from Islamic countries after Israel was re-established,269 and why many are continuing to leave Christian Europe and elsewhere.

Religious propaganda masking as political analysis

Despite the effort invested by both the cartel and Islamic media in framing the issues in the Levant as political—that is, "Israel versus Palestine"—the conflation of political and religious issues is found in most analyses generated by these entities, as well as by so-called independent progressives. For example, on the question of "Jewish identity,"” Islam claims that European (Ashkenazi) Jews are not Semitic, but rather Khazarian, based on a work of fiction.270 However, recent genome studies show that most European Jews are descended from a small group of Semitic males and European females,271 Semitic markers accounting for more than 50% of their genes, and that markers from the Caucasus are almost non-existent. Yet, the Khazarian myth is perpetrated on a daily basis. In addition, recent genome testing shows that, as a result of forced conversions in Spain and Portugal in the late 15th century, approximately 25% of all Hispanics are of Judaic ancestry.

By using bloodlines as an argument, it is Muslims who play the race card and who seek an apartheid state, as we see across Arabia, Asia, and parts of Africa. This racism is in addition to the Christian bible's and the Koran's libel that the Jews killed Jesus.

Playing the race card leads directly to Islam's demand of "the right of return." Should such a right be based on blood (now a moot point, given genome testing) rather than the practice of a faith and culture, or on prior returns, or on the problematic treatment of Jews in Christian and Islamic lands for nearly two millennia, or on the notion that this conflict began in 1948, or on the notion that this conflict began in the late 19th century with the formalization of Zionism?

The use of the term Zionism has become pejorative, because it ignores the history that led to Herzl's search for a solution. In fact, the roots of Zionism go back millennia, to the expulsion and enslavement at the hands of the Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylonians, and the return of Jews to Israel following each diaspora, as well as to the more than 1400 years (at the time Zionism was conceived) of persecution and extermination at the hands of Christians and Muslims, culminating in yet another period of rising anti-Semitism in Europe (e.g., the Dreyfus Affair). So, Zionism loses its meaning when used to characterize the right of return of the Jews as a late 19th century idea, even if some contemporary proponents choose to see it as a purely political philosophy. As noted, the act of returning to Israel had occurred on so many occasions that it became part of the Judaic liturgy following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E.

However, the propaganda campaign regarding bloodlines and "Palestinian right of return" has been relatively successful, as noted in the litanies of corporate, Islamic, and "progressive" media, despite the fact that the Palestinians, as a people, are a fiction, as Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammadm speaking on Al-Hekma TV, admitted in March 2012:

"Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis. Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians ..."

Despite this mythology, the so-called global left has adopted, straight from the Islamic playbook, the point-of-view that the "Israel versus Palestine" issue began in 1948 or the late 19th century (a logical fallacy based on "cherry-picking the data"), overlooking the religious dogma that serves as its basis:

"Many common interests exist between the Islamic world and Greater Germany, and those make cooperation a matter of course. The Reich is fighting against the same enemies who robbed Moslems of their countries and suppressed their faith in Asia, Africa, and Europe. ... Further, National Socialist Germany is fighting against world Jewry. The Koran says: 'You will find that the Jews are the worst enemies of the Moslems.' There are also considerable similarities between Islamic principles and those of National Socialism, namely in the affirmation of struggle and fellowship, in stressing leadership, in the ideas of order, in the high valuation of work. All this brings our ideologies close together and facilitates cooperation." —Speech to the Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS Division (Handzar) by Muhammad Hajj Amin Al-Husseini (the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem), January 1944.272

"When the Mohammedans attempted to penetrate beyond France and into Central Europe during the eighth century when they were driven back at battle of Tours. Had the Arabs won this battle, the world would be Mohammedan today. For theirs was a religion that believed in spreading the faith by sword and subjugating all nations to that faith. The Germanic people would have become heirs to that religion. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament." —Adolf Hitler quoted by Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich, page 96.

"(Palestinians) won't allow Jews to contaminate, with their filthy feet, our holy sites ... every drop of blood that is spilled in Jerusalem is pure blood." —Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, October 2015 273

"Hezb'Allah and Nasrallah have become wildly popular in the Arab world. They unite Sunnis and Shiites in admiration for their opposition to Israel." —Hussein Ibish, executive director of the foundation for Arab-American Leadership.274

In other words, Muslims are united in supporting Hezb'Allah, whose stated objectives, since it was created in 1982 by Iran, include wiping Israel from the map. Has this position changed since 2006?

"If there is now a consensus in Israel on this characterization of the resistance in Lebanon, does it mean that Hezb'Allah is opening a front and wants to eliminate Israel from existence? The reality now is not so."275 –Hezb'Allah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

As we shall see, these 2016 comments by Nasrallah only feign a change of heart and strategy (that is, he leverages the Islamic doctrine of "Taqiyya": to lie whenever one feels their life is threatened, including metaphorically via the challenge of contrary beliefs by Judaism). He cleverly frames the position as "the reality now," so there is no guarantee that his position does not change during and/or after a ceasefire. Given the history from Mohammed putting Jews to the sword, to the Handzar SS sending Jews to their extermination, and the suicide bombings, rocket attacks, assaults, murder, and desecrations, there is no credibility in Nasrallah's spin, as we shall see in a later statement.

With this background and these questions on the table, we are better able to understand the position of the Jews who live in Israel, and how their concerns only partially overlap with the concerns of the Anglo-Euro-American banking cartel, which the government (and military and intelligence establishment) of Israel serves as one among multiple proxies.

Ancestral religious history is irrelevant to the financiers

While there are those who argue that the cartel is controlled solely by the Rothschilds, and that they are Zionists, this line of reasoning would mean that the Rothschilds (via the original financing for John D. Rockefeller's oil monopoly from the National City Bank of Cleveland) directed the Rockefellers to implement their eugenics philosophy, which employed Joseph Mengele, before he became the Nazi's Angel of Death at Auschwitz.276 This would also mean that the Rothschilds gave approval for the Rockefellers, who are major stakeholders in the Federal Reserve System and Standard Oil (and other major oil companies via various trusts), to help finance the Nazi war machine, to trade with the Nazis during WWII, and to impede U.S. war efforts.277 If this model of corporate structure is accurate, then the banking cartel is complicit in the extermination of the Jews, not only by supporting the Nazis, but also by employing the Rockefeller subsidiaries to supply needed chemicals to I.G. Farben, who manufactured the Zyklon B gas used in the Nazi gas chambers. In other words, this would mean that the Rothschilds' posture as Zionists is purely a political expediency, and has no religious basis, given the Rockefellers' contribution to the Holocaust.278 The kicker is that I.G. Farben is controlled by the Rothschilds.279 It’s also worth noting that George Soros, who is often identified as a Jew and part of the "Zionist conspiracy," collaborated with the Nazis and does not identify with being a Jew. The Rockefellers continue to fund anti-Semitic organizations.

Obviously, these activities stand in stark contrast to anyone seeking to protect the existence of the Jewish faith. In other words, the ancestral religious affiliations of the small group of financiers (e.g., the Rockefellers [Protestants] and the Rothschilds [Jews]) who control the key private central banks are irrelevant; they are materialists; or, to use religious metaphors, they worship mammon, the golden calf, and the almighty dollar; they do the devil's work. They have no loyalty to nation-states or religions.

And frankly, the same holds true if the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds (and others) are partners. When it comes to the financiers, ancestral religious history is irrelevant; actions speak louder than words, and their actions are consistent with their objectives: power, profit, propaganda, and population reduction.

Similarities and differences in the objectives of the cartel and the Jews

Given this background regarding the nature of the financiers' sociopathic mindset, the only area of overlap—between the realpolitik of the cartel, via its proxy, the government of Israel, compared to the people who live under its rule280—is the defense of the state. But, here as well, the motivations are different for each stakeholder:

• For the cartel, Israel represents a toehold in the Middle East; or, as Orwell characterized the cartel's proxies, as an airstrip. This can be seen in the coordinated funding, technology transfers, and military strategies in the region between the U.S., U.K., France, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. The objectives include the destruction of all nations that control their own central bank and currency (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc.) and the seizure of oil and gold reserves. It is in this capacity that the government of Israel attacks Orthodox Jews who refuse to serve in the Israeli military.
• For the Jews (other than certain sects which oppose the state of Israel based on their belief that such a state is not genuine until the appearance of the Messiah, which they believe has not happened, mostly due to their preconception of what this is supposed to look like), living in Israel, a state run by Jews, guarantees them the freedom to practice their religion and experience freedom from persecution—from Christians and Muslims—for such practices, which, as we noted, has been largely denied them for 1700 years, all this coming after similar treatment from the Egyptians, Assyrians, and Babylonians in prior millennia. It also should be noted, for the treaty stipulations to follow this analysis, that Ethiopian Jews are discriminated against in Israel, rather than being treated as an example of how Judaism, based on its history, should treat those fleeing persecution,281 such as the Jews who are now protesting282 the way in which Central American refugees—fleeing persecution from conditions engendered by U.S. economic subterfuge throughout the hemisphere, plus a coup d'état in Guatemala—are being rounded up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) troops and abused in the ICE camps.

These two separate sets of objectives—of the cartel controlled government of Israel and of the Jews who live there—were recently conflated by Nasrallah in an interview on July 12, 2019, with Al-Manar TV, in which he said that Yemen's resistance to aggressions by a Saudi-led coalition thwarts the Zionist "deal of the century" and the imperialist plans against the region. Thus, he morphs the objectives of the cartel ("imperialism") and the security of Israel ("deal of the century"), which he then further conflates with Zionism (a Jewish homeland), declaring himself opposed to all. This position is at odds with his statement, quoted previously, that he is no longer opposed to the existence of Israel, reaffirming our earlier assessment regarding his true intentions.

Thus, the common conflation of the objectives of the cartel whole cloth with that of the Jews who live in Israel is inaccurate and misleading; in other words, it's propaganda designed to obfuscate the longstanding religious forces at work in the Levant. Such conflation works against attempting to objectively analyze the situation and find solutions to the various issues.

Distilling the conflicts of interest

So, analyzing the issues in the Levant with these separate objectives in mind, any discussion of the conflict between Israel and Iran (including its Hezb'Allah and Palestinian Hamas proxies) must address the conflict between Judaism and Islam, even if it is being fought with military weapons and framed as a political and economic war. The Islamic State of Iran has made it clear that its financing of Hezb’Allah and Hamas—in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza (Palestine)—is based on religious imperialism led by an Imam.

In addition to the Israel (Jews) and Palestine (Muslims), surveying the other combatants regarding their mix of political and religious identities, we find: Turkey is predominantly Sunni as are the Kurds, but the Kurds are not Arabs—they speak an Indo-European language related to English—and historically Kurdish lands are divided between Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, where Kurds comprise 10 to 20 percent of the respective countries' populations. All this is accompanied by a long history of enmity between these various governments and the Kurds, with Turkey—as the only remaining piece of the Ottoman Empire—having long suppressed Kurdish independence initiatives. In addition to the Kurds who still live on traditional Kurdish lands, a large Kurdish diaspora is spread across Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Lebanon, Israel, Germany, France, the U.K., Canada, and the U.S. The number of Kurds worldwide is estimated at over 30 million, making it one of the world's largest ethnic groups without a state.283

This is complicated further by the diversity of Syria's religious groups, which include all five 'families' of the western Christian churches, as well as the Antiochene Patriarchates of the Syriac Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, and Greek Melkite Churches. The current Syrian constitution guarantees freedom of religious expression and worship.

Example of ethnic and religious overlapping in the Levant

Since the beginning of the current Syrian conflict, Christians, along with Muslims (who do not follow the radicalized ideology of the jihadists whom western and gulf nations create and support), have been specifically targeted, with Christian villages being besieged, ethnically cleansed, and constantly attacked by the cartel's mercenaries.284

It is estimated that the Christian population of Syria has been more than halved during the war.285

Internecine conflicts abound as well, between Sunni Muslims (Turkey, Kurds) and Shia Muslims (Iran), as well as between some orthodox variants of Judaism versus the conservative and reform movements, particularly on the subject of the conditions for the re-establishment of Israel.

Russia's role in solving the puzzle

As it stands currently, based on its central role by invite from Assad, Russia (Eastern Orthodox286) will play a central role: first, in the continuation of the Astana process on Syria, with Turkey (Sunni) and Iran, including Iran's proxy Hezb'Allah (Shia)287; and second, in negotiations with the cartel's proxies, in particular its public-sector subsidiaries of Israel (Jewish), U.S. (Protestant), U.K. (Protestant), and Saudi Arabia (Wahhabis). Eventually, recognition of Turkey's genocide of Armenians288 (Armenian Apostolic Church, the world's oldest national religion) will be part of the long-term solution of the regional conflicts, which we address in Section IV of this online book.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan

In Russia's first role, Moscow will be working with Turkey and Iran on the establishment and implementation of the Syrian Constitutional Committee. This was agreed in January 2018 in Sochi: a committee—including representatives of the government, opposition, and civil society—capable of working out Syria's new constitution, with each group holding one-third of the seats.289 It remains to be seen what role, if any, the current government of Syria plays in this.

In Russia's second role, General Nikolai Patrushev, the Director of the Russian Federal Security Service and the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, travelled to Israel in April 2019 to meet with John Bolton and Benjamin Netanyahu. Lots of spin regarding these events was generated by global media of all persuasions, but at his press conference following the meeting, Patrushev said the following:

"Russia has once again reconfirmed her adherence to the principles of the territorial integrity and unity of the Syrian Arab republic, as well as the goals and principles of the UN charter. We have expressed our standpoint that the Syrian conflict doesn't have a military solution. And we have reaffirmed our support to only Syrian owned and Syria-lead political process facilitated by the UN according to the Resolution of 22.54 of the UN Security Council. ...

"We have emphasized an importance of easing of the tensions for the country (Syria) between Israel and Iran, by the way of implementation the mutual approaching steps. We have made an emphasis that Syria must not be turned into an arena for geopolitical confrontation. We have also highlighted the need for the international community to help Syria to rebuild its national economy. Among other things, Syria should be free of illegal trade restrictions, unilateral sanctions,290 as well as sanctions on economic operators that help Syria to rebuild. They also have to be free from all sanctions. ...

"Russia, the United States and Israel should join their efforts to help peace to return to Syria. ...

"We have called on our partners to show restraint and readiness for reciprocal steps, which must serve as the basis for the consistent advancement towards the easing of tensions in the Israeli-Iranian relations.

"Question: Do you agree that Israel delivers air-strikes against Iranian targets in Syria, while you are trying to stabilize the Assad government?

"Answer: We had discussed that we need more effective cooperation between Russia's Ministry of Defence and Israel. As you know, many of the air-strikes could have been prevented. That is the way to alleviate Israel's concerns. We need to alleviate these concerns by non-military means."291 (emphasis added)

Here, we must note the challenges faced by Russian leadership in attempting to alleviate Israel's concerns against a backdrop of virulent anti-Semitism among portions of its own population,292 based on the refusal of Christianity to come to grips with the lie that the Jews killed Jesus, which is the central tenet that enabled the Roman empire to sell its manufactured religion to the masses.

A few days later, Putin reaffirmed Patrushev's statements, before going further:

"We have established sufficiently good business-like relations with all regional countries, and our positions in the Middle East region have become more stable. Indeed, we have established very good, business-like, partner-like and largely allied relations with many regional countries, including Iran, Turkey and other countries."293

There are more details, but clearly these goals are wholly consistent with the current Sino-Russian principals toward abating political and economic conflicts around the world. They are also principals that could be applied to various religious and ethnic groups that have been persecuted historically, including the Jews, the Kurds, the Armenians, the Tamils, all indigenous peoples, et al. In fact, the fifth Russian-Turkish-Iranian Constitutional Committee on Syria reiterated the same principles that Russia, the U.S., and Israel arrived at a few weeks earlier:

"The three countries agree that security issues should be solved on the principles of preservation of sovereignty and territorial integrity." –Alexey Petrov reporting.

"The de-escalation zone should not remain an asylum for extremists of various kinds and particularly neither should it serve as a staging ground for conducting armed provocations." –Vladimir Putin

"We are the only platform for completing these tasks." –Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

"The illegal presence of the Americans troops on Syrian land jeopardizes its territorial integrity. ... As for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action regarding the Iranian nuclear program, in the background of the USA attempting to ruin this deal, Russia might have a very important role to play in this format." –Hassan Rouhani294

Thus, as noted, Russia's dual role puts it in the central position to address all stakeholders from both the cartel and the coalition. Obviously, this has created some panic from the cartel. In response to these actions by Russia, Turkey, and Iran, the UN, as a proxy for the Anglo-Euro-American banking cartel and its public sector subsidiary governments—the U.S., U.K., France, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc.—created its own Syrian Constitutional Committee.295 It did so to protect the cartel's mercenaries—al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, the White Helmets, and the so-called Syrian "rebels" (Kurds)—from annihilation by Syrian government forces and their allies.296 The next meeting of this committee is scheduled for November 25th. So far, Russia has voiced no opposition to Turkey's military actions against the Kurds, although it has, with Syria, called for the total withdrawal of all U.S. and Turkish troops from Syria.297

Russia's relationship with Turkey

According to the Turkish National Defense Ministry, on July 25, 2019, Turkey received the first batch of Russian S-400 missile defense systems. This delivery made global headlines, because it appears to be a major blow to both NATO and to the U.S. armaments industry, being that the Russian system is rated superior to the Raytheon Patriot system, and is substantially cheaper ($2 billion versus $3.5 billion).298

The delivery resulted in the immediate removal of Turkey from the troubled Lockheed Martin F-35 multirole combat aircraft program, whose price tag also is over twice the cost of Russia's new Su-57 and many times more expensive than other Russian, Chinese, and European-made aircraft already in operation.299

This seeming tectonic shift in blocs puts Turkey in a position to receive the benefits of the BRI and the Turn to the East strategy driven by China and Russia that, as noted, will produce the world's largest free-trade zone. Continuance of Turkey's NATO membership will be another litmus test in Turkey's actual alliances, despite Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan's efforts to downplay the importance of this purchase.300 According to a Russian source, Turkey's objective is to leave NATO,301 but before that happens, Turkey has some decisions to make. Recently, Russia accused Turkey and Erdoğan, of aiding the U.S. in the theft of Syrian oil (via ISIS), and helping fence the stolen oil to various cartel proxies.302

Despite this apparent pivot to the eastern coalition (the geography, political economy, and alliances of Turkey, like Russia, span Europe and Asia), Turkey's issue with the Kurds—and its aim to destroy and replace the Kurds (as it did with its own Kurds, deporting them and resettling Kosovar Albanians and Assyrians to Kurdish lands), who have become a U.S. proxy in its efforts to Balkanize Syria—is at odds with the government of Syria and its Russian, Iranian, and Chinese backers. Additionally, in terms of a long-term solution, continuing the subjugation of the Syrian Kurds by driving them further into diaspora, is not acceptable by any human rights standards, and it is questionable whether handing the Kurds over to Syria is a viable alternative, given the persecution to which they have been subject there as well.

Despite this opposition, Turkey persisted in its incursions into Syria to battle the Kurds as well as to expand its territory. During the first week of August 2019, Erdoğan announced Turkey's intentions to invade for a third time, in its efforts to stop the Kurds from establishing their own domain. Given that the Kurdish forces (as members of the "rebel" Syrian Democratic Forces created by the cartel) were serving as mercenaries for the cartel, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper immediately countered that "the U.S. intends to prevent any unilateral invasion by Turkey into northern Syria," saying any such move by the Turks would be unacceptable.303 Part of the U.S. reasoning here was that the cartel's illegal military operatives are building a permanent base, including a runway,304 within this region (in addition to 14 other bases in Syria and 18 in Iraq305). Another aspect of U.S. reasoning was that the cartel's Israeli military proxy sees Turkey as a greater threat than Iran.306 Thus, the Kurds served the interests of Israeli security in addition to securing the cartel's theft of Syrian oil as a subversive springboard. All of this is now a moot point when the cartel's mercenaries retreated from Syria's forces and Trump played the distractive dummy, appearing to be Erdoğan's dupe, by withdrawing support for the Kurds. However, the U.S. still controls the key Syrian oilfields, though it is not clear whether they are now or will be shipping it, and to whom, other than for their own troops and mercenaries.

The U.S. had promised the implementation of a safe zone in Syria that would serve as a buffer between Turkey and the Kurds (Turkey considers Kurdish political parties and military operations as "terrorists"), and reached an agreement with Turkey on August 7th to establish a "joint operations center" to satisfy Turkey's security concerns. The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called this agreement between the U.S. and its on-again-off-again ally, Turkey, "a gross violation of Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity," thereby violating the principles of international law and the UN Charter.307 Clearly, Russia will have a say, based on Patrushev's comments, on Turkish and U.S. efforts to dictate ceasefire lines on sovereign Syrian land, as we saw in Turkey's follow-up meeting with Russia on the border issue and the Kurds, on August 27, 2019, after which Putin announced:

"Together with Turkey's president we have outlined additional joint steps to neutralize the terrorists' nests in Idlib and normalize the situation there and in the whole of Syria as a result." ...

"We understand Turkey's concern related to ensuring the security of its southern borders, and we think that these are lawful interests of the Republic of Turkey ..."

"To our mind, the creation of a security zone on the southern border of the Republic of Turkey will serve as a good precondition for maintaining territorial integrity of Syria itself."308

Putin also said that he and Erdoğan agreed that Syria should remain a unified country, without weighing in specifically on the Kurds.

In addition to the Kurds, Turkey considers the Uyghurs terrorists, not because they work with the various cartel mercenaries, including ISIS, but because of their long-term threat to Turkey. The Uyghurs have carved out an enclave and plan to stay, as they cannot return to China, given their subversive status as militarily trained and ideologically imprinted Islamists.309

Then there is the matter of Idleb, into which both sides have funneled the various cartel mercenaries, which was followed by a coordinated airstrike that killed the leaders of two al-Qaeda aligned groups. It is unclear whose aircraft attacked, but it is likely that Turkey—which reversed its position on the mercenaries following an Erdoğan visit with Putin in Moscow—delivered the blow.310

Thus, for the moment, after double-crossing Russia and Iran, it appeared that Erdoğan was dissuaded from his ambitions to control this Syrian province. How the concentrated assembly of cartel mercenaries was to be disassembled, destroyed, and/or redeployed remained to be seen, although Turkey had deployed some of these jihadists to Libya, and the U.S. had deployed some to Iraq.

After the ceasefire that halted Turkey's incursion was abrogated by withdrawal of U.S. support for the Kurds, Trump complained about the coordinated Syrian and Russian battle successes in rooting out the cartel's jihadis.

Putin's stated objectives are clear: the terrorists will be wiped out; they will not escape and regroup to make insurrections elsewhere. Given that Turkey's energy-sector stability is provided by Russia, one would think that Erdoğan was likely to keep to the agreement, at least in this one particular region; however, Turkey has re-deployed some of the U.S, mercenary troops (ISIS, etc.) to Libya (and here), which is another sore spot with Russia, which supports the other side there as well. Since the cartel's goal of an independent and oil-rich Kurdistan under its proxy is no longer in play, the final piece along the Turkish-Syrian border appeared to be the withdrawal of the cartel's proxies (U.S., U.K., and various mercenaries) from that area.311

The Sino-Russian coalition is vying for Turkey's loyalty

On October 8th, the day before the Turkish invasion, Russia and Turkey announced an agreement that will connect Turkish banks and companies to the Russian equivalent of the SWIFT payment network. In other words, this creates a firewall for possible U.S. and Western sanctions against Turkey in future.312 This seems like an indication that Turkey is moving toward the Sino-Russian coalition, something that the cartel anticipated in 2016 when it began removing nuclear missiles from Turkey and installing them in Romania,313 though there is some question as to how many remain,314 and whether nuclear blackmail, regarding these missiles, or some other secret by Turkey played a part in the U.S. decision to withdraw its support for the Kurds.

These are just a few of the pieces of the puzzle that Russia faced in this region on the eve of the Turkish invasion.315

Turks invade Syria as U.S. withdraws support for the Kurds

The "withdrawal" by the U.S. was intended to surprise the Kurds, before they could strike a deal with Syria and Russia, and to let Turkey slaughter Kurds and weaken their military, as well as to release thousands of ISIS prisoners-of-war. ISIS remains the ongoing excuse for the presence of the cartel's U.S. proxy's military across the region, as a means to seize oil fields and create a network of bases from which to continue attacks on Syria and Iran, both of which control their own central bank and currency, as well substantive oil and gold reserves.

Syria condemned the Turkish invasion as a breach of international law, but left the door open for negotiations with the abandoned Kurds.316 Syria stated previously that it will not allow Kurdish federalization or self-rule within its borders. Despite these conditions set by Syria on the Kurds, Turkey still claims that Kurdish self-rule is what it fears, because it would encourage autonomy among Turkish Kurds; but, that is a dubious claim, given the integration of Turkish Kurds into that society, e.g., speaking the language and spreading out across the country.317 Almost immediately following the incursion of Turkey's Arab mercenaries into Syria, the Kurdish Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria expressed interest in negotiations with the Syrian government, under Russia's mediation. This appears to be a game of "both sides against the middle," with the authoritarian governments of Turkey and Syria benefitting from the destruction of Kurdish independence and "Rojava," a democratic state of Kurdish government.318

The benefit to Syria and Russia of such a "surprise move," by the U.S. and Turkey, is the Turks crippling Kurdish military capabilities—thus countering the Kurds bid for autonomy—and then withdrawing to Turkey, to let Syria and Russia work out the terms for the Kurdish surrender. Turkey wants the safe zone to be located in Syria, not behind its own border, and seems to be getting its way for this. The U.S. is aligned with this solution, and while Syria and Russia see this as a violation of Syrian sovereignty and international law, there has been no reported pushback. Given the new currency exchange agreement between Turkey and Russia, as well as the delivery of Russian S-400s to Ankara, leverage regarding Turkish military aggressions seems to be Russia's favor (in a multipolar model), but how Russia uses this leverage, and how Turkey responds, will throw some light on backdoor negotiations.

Immediately following the Turkish invasion, the plan for a Syrian-Russian agreement with the Kurds was to leave the Syrian military in control the safe zone, with the Kurds marginalized behind Syrian lines, away from the border. Thus, the Kurds were forced to cut a deal with Damascus and give up autonomy, if they hoped to weather this battle; because, Syria has made it clear that they hold the Kurds responsible for having worked with the U.S.,319 and that Kurdish autonomy within Syria in not an option.

This puts the Kurds between a rock and a hard place, as Syria has, since the 1960s, attempted to Arabize its northern region, just as Turkey is now doing across the border.320 The names of places were Arabized, the Kurdish language was restricted, and manifestations of Kurdish cultural specificity were outlawed. For Erdoğan, too, the conflict is ethnic and racial—Arabs versus Kurds.

"We have to clear the region (northern Syria) from the terrorist organisations and return it to its original owners. And the original owners are mainly Arabs—up to 85 to 90 percent." —Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, September 2019 321

Erdoğan's characterization is on shaky ground, as the following map shows. The Kurds are the fourth largest ethnic group in West Asia after the Arabs, Persians, and Turks, distinct in a number of ways; for example, their native language is derived from the Iranian branch of the Indo-European tree and is related to English. In addition to the Kurds, there are other religious, sectarian or ethnic minorities in the region, such as Christians (Armenians, Assyrians, Greek Orthodox and Maronites) and Yezidis.

Map credit:
The Kurdish homeland, Kurdistan, promised in 1920 by the western powers after WWI, was instead, in 1923, carved up with the creation of some new countries, meaning that Kurdistan was split between Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria.

The plight of the Kurds has certain similarities to the history of the Jews—between the Roman invasion of Israel and the ousting of the British from what had come to be known as Palestine—after the Romans scrubbed the name of Israel from the map. So, in addition to the Kurds playing a role in Israeli security, as a buffer against Hezb’Allah and as a source of oil, there is an affinity in terms of historical ethnic/religious persecution, which underscores Israel's support for the Kurds. Yes, Syria's and Turkey's concerns regarding an independent and armed Kurdistan have some validity; but, as noted, historically both Syria and Turkey have been the principal aggressors. Thus, a long-term evolutionary solution to this aspect of the conflict must be included in the principles of the treaty to end WWIII, as outlined in Section IV of this follow-up online volume to our published book.

Erdoğan's statement, regarding the Arabization of Kurdish lands, also contradicts what Turkish news services reported him saying two years earlier:

"We regard the Kurds in Iraq and Syria the same as we regard Turkmen and Arabs."322

Turk-Kurd animosity

Such a statement completely misrepresents the history of Turkish-Kurdish relations. In an attempt to deny Kurdish existence and insult them, the Turkish government categorized Kurds as "Mountain Turks" until 1991, while the words "Kurds," "Kurdistan," or "Kurdish" were officially banned by the Turkish government.323 Following the Turkish military coup of 1980, the Kurdish language was officially prohibited in public and private life.324 Many people who spoke, published, or sang in Kurdish were arrested and imprisoned.325 Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, political parties that represented Kurdish interests were banned.326 These policies remain in place today.327 Erdoğan is now threatening Turkish Jews with the same treatment.

Essentially, Erdoğan attempts, for public consumption, to define the Kurdish people as separate from the political and military operations (PKK/YPG/PYD) dedicated to both protecting the Kurds and pressing for an independent Kurdistan,328 promised by the western powers after their victory in WWI329; however, Turkey's current invasion of Syria is not discriminating between civilian populations and military operations.330 Estimates of displaced populations, from the U.N. and other sources, range from 100,000 to 300,000 people.331

Turkey claims that the PKK/YPG/PYD have drug production facilities in the region and sell their drugs to Europe and the U.S. Turkey says it is aiming to end drug production and trafficking in the region. Erdoğan conveniently ignores those behind the heroin epidemic, as U.S. troops currently protect production in Afghanistan,332 from where it is distributed worldwide. Money laundering for the cartel's drug trafficking is handled through HSBC, the old British opium financing operation.333

Syria knows that Turkey's Plan A is to expand into Syrian territory and change the demographics of the area by forcing the return of millions of Syrian refugees to areas in northern Syria that are different from where they originate, in order to dilute and drive out the Kurds. This solution, based on Turkish concerns over Kurdish independence and refugees would, in the long run, be asking for more conflict, as there are major differences in tribes, religion, ideologies, political affiliations and loyalties to consider.334

Reports indicated that United States asked all of its 1,000 troops in the area, at that time, to withdraw "as safely and quickly as possible" from Syria (into Iraq), using the premise that Turkey's offensive will extend further than the proposed 30 km "safe zone."335 But as of October 14th, U.S. troops were still in the area, and preventing Syrian troops from defending Kurdish cities from Turkey's advance.3361 Unlikely as it may seem, this turns out to be part of a coordinated effort on the part of the U.S. and Russia, as the Pentagon has confirmed.337 Later, as part of this agreement, the U.S. handed over two key cities to Syria and Russia.338

While many progressives would no doubt like to see the U.S. military's complete departure from Syria, the announcement made by Trump appears to be purposeful misdirection, with the "sudden withdrawal" nothing more than a coordinated opportunity for Turkey to wipe out the Kurd's socialistic political and economic programs—including advances in women's liberation and popular self-government—and wage a genocidal campaign against the Kurds. There is no indication at this time that the U.S. has curtailed its programs aimed at training new terrorists to create chaos, maintaining its bases in Eastern Syria, and continuing to steal Syrian oil,339 despite the announcement by U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper on October 20th that all U.S. troops currently leaving Syria will be sent to Iraq in order to pursue operations against ISIS.340 Iraq has rejected the notion of U.S. troops staying.341 Regardless, in late December, after a rocket attack on a U.S. base, U.S. airstrikes hit various Hezb’Allah sites in Iraq (3) and Syria (2), including weapons-storage facilities and command locations, drawing protests from the Iraqi government, which is dependent on Iran for military support.

U.S. leverages its ISIS mercenaries

Another great danger in the Turkish invasion is the potential jailbreak of 12,000 ISIS prisoners of war. ISIS was created by the CIA,342 and remains a disruptive tool of the cartel, as ISIS's presence is the excuse for U.S. and other cartel proxy militaries (principally, the U.K., with some help from France and others) to invade Syria, attempt to overthrow its government, and steal its oil and gold reserves, just as it has done in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. As of October 14, 2019, it was reported that at least 785 ISIS prisoners were now at large, with the U.S. also leaving behind some five dozen "high value" ISIS leadership343 (presumably to be "inadvertently" freed). The U.S. gave the impression that it was planning on moving a large number of ISIS fighters to Iraq344 (where they will await new marching orders). However, Putin declared that alleged Islamic State (IS) fighters are to stay in prison camps where they were kept by NATO-backed Kurdish troops.345

Erdoğan denied the reports of ISIS jail breaks, saying that they were propaganda to benefit the U.S,346 but, a few days earlier, Süleyman Soylu, the Turkish interior minister, welcomed the influx of ISIS to Turkey,347 where they serve in the front lines against the Kurds, as well as providing an ongoing service, enabling and excusing military interventions. In fact, 21 of the 28 "Arab militias" that Turkey is employing to slaughter Kurds were trained by the U.S.348 Clearly, a secondary objective of the "surprise move" by Turkey and the U.S. is designed to free some of the prisoners held by the Kurds, since it would be suicidal for the Kurds to willingly free ISIS fighters, whose objective it is to kill the Kurds, as shown by two recent suicide attacks,349 and ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Kurds. ISIS may have lost control over Syrian cities, but they remain an insurgent force. Both Russia and the U.S. have allowed Turkey to bomb Kurdish positions that hold ISIS prisoners, enabling a great number to go free and reestablish themselves.350

In his role as distracter-in-chief, Trump blustered that if these cartel mercenaries got loose, they would go to Europe, thus providing European puppet masters with trained agent provocateurs and saboteurs to create "terrorist attacks," which in turn justify various fascist programs, such as the suspension of constitutional liberties, surveillance of all citizens, and police crimes, just as is already practiced in the U.S., U.K., France, Turkey, etc. Couple this with Erdoğan's threats of sending millions of Syrian refugees to Europe, and we see that Turkey is coordinating with the U.S. in terms of creating an excuse for the E.U. to support the war on the Kurds. Of course, the E.U. supports the war regardless; e.g., the Germans selling tanks and guns to Turkey.351 Even New Zealand is involved.

Outcome in flux

In any case, the U.S. is not expected to leave Syria without a fight352—even in light of the Kurds striking a deal with Syria and Russia, even in light of the U.S. and Russia coordinating troop movements,353 and even in light of the announcement that U.S. troops in Northeast Syria are being redeployed to Iraq—because abandoning its occupation of Eastern Syria would result in giving up a strategic location in the Middle East from which to continue its effort to conquer and control nations and populations, and usurp resources.354 Withdrawal would also mean returning oil fields to Syria.355 Elements within the E.U. have even suggested a NATO invasion.356 While Turkey's supposed shift from the cartel towards the coalition made it look like the tanker-truck pipeline from the U.S.-controlled Syrian oil fields to Turkey—and from there the sale and distribution to other cartel military proxies, such as Israel—would end, given Turkey's green light from the cartel and yellow light from coalition, there are no expectations for the tanker-truck pipeline to go away, at least not as long as Turkey remains in Syria and is repopulating Arabs into the "safe zone" along its border with Syria, and as long as the oil provides a local source of fuel for U.S. troops throughout the region.

Despite Turkey's long-term objectives regarding the Kurds and its on-going war on them, on October 9th Erdoğan used his Twitter account to state his respect for Syrian territorial sovereignty,357 which is one of Putin's tenets, as noted earlier. If Turkey were to fully withdraw from this operation, either as a result of Syria, Russia, and the Kurds reaching an agreement, or after it sufficiently weakens the Kurdish military and disperses the population (with the active aid of the U.S. and the limited patience of Russia), then Turkey will have lived up (plausibly) to its agreement with Russia on Syrian sovereignty, while revealing the parameters of a sub rosa agreement with Russia and the U.S. regarding the incursion and its limitations.

At this point in the conflict, such a solution would meet both U.S. and (apparently) Russian objectives, in terms of solving the Kurdish problem for both Syria and Turkey, which would seem to argue, in a small way, for the unipolar model in our conditional framing of the global power structure model. However, such an argument is premature, given ongoing conflicts.358

The "Deal of the Century"

Turkey has drawn out a detailed plan for resettling two million Syrian refugees in the safe zone, so there is legitimate concern that once these Turkish loyalists (by virtue of their current safe haven) have resettled on Turkey's border, Ankara will claim ownership on Syria's northern region. On October 10th, Erdoğan threatened to permit Syrian refugees to move to Europe if the EU continued to characterize this as an occupation. Turkey is currently hosting more than 4 million refugees from Syria,359 as part of a 2016 multibillion-dollar agreement with the EU.360 Assad noted that the refugee crisis was engendered by the EU's support for the cartel's illegal invasion.

If the past is any indication, Turkey's invasion could be seen as an attempt to repeat across northern Syria what it accomplished in Afrin during its Olive Branch operation in March 2018, when they crossed the Syrian frontier and drove out the Kurdish population, replacing them with Turkish aligned Syrian refugees, changing the demographics.

So, the occupation or withdrawal of the Turkish military, along with the resettlement of Arab and Kurd refugees, will reveal the agreements that were reached behind closed doors. In any case, Syria has stated that continued aggression by Turkey would remove them from the Astana process for finding settlement in Syria,361 and that Turkish plans for resettlement are completely unacceptable. Judgments aside, Turkey has cleverly leveraged its position between Europe and Asia to further its interests.

On October 12, 2019, Russia and Syria reached an agreement with the Kurds, who handed over two border towns to Syria, with Putin declaring that Moscow wants "forces deployed illegitimately" inside Syria (Turkey and the U.S., as well as their mercenaries) to leave the country. The next day, Syrian government troops moved through Kurdish lines toward Turkish forces,362 as well as taking up a large stretch of the border.363 Part of the initial agreement seemed to include the Kurds supporting the Syrian military,364 but obviously separated from the Turkish border.

If Erdoğan's claim that he is implementing agreements reached with Russia is true,365 then we might have expected a reasonably quick withdrawal. However, during the first week of the conflict Turkish troops pressed deeper into Syria.366 The dead included a leader of the Kurdish independence movement who focused on uniting Christians, Arabs, and Kurds. She was executed by Turkish mercenaries.367 On October 16, 2019, Erdoğan announced his terms for withdrawal: when Kurdish fighters drop their weapons and withdraw from the planned "safe zone."

The next day in Ankara, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence announced that the U.S. and Turkey had agreed to a 120-hour ceasefire, while Kurdish troops are expected to dismantle their fortifications and leave the area.368 Pence also said the United States will "continue to engage" in Syria, but "not militarily," though as we noted, the U.S. has additional illegal bases in Eastern Syria from which it directs various operations.

The Kurds began moving behind Syrian troops, a process which worked in some areas—despite threats from Turkey's defense minister369—as this is Putin's strategy, and one that Turkey, in its present economic, political, and military situation, would seem likely to accept,370 as evidenced by the announcement that Moscow will be holding talks with Turkey and Syria at the same table—a remarkable diplomatic event—since, as a NATO ally, Turkey has refused to bargain with Syria as long as Assad was in power. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced:

"We will be pressing for the beginning of a dialogue between Turkey and Syria. There are reasons to believe that this will meet the interests of both countries. Also, we will be promoting contacts between Damascus and Kurdish organizations that renounce extremism and terrorist methods of activity."371 (Emphasis added)

In many ways, Putin is trying to create Trump's "Deal of the Century" on steroids, balancing Turkey's, Syria's, and Israel's interests372—although a Kurdish homeland, at least for the time being, is clearly off the table; however, as noted, our blueprint for a treaty to end WWIII must provide a process, in terms of human evolution and the de-escalation of religious, national, and ethnic hostilities, for such an eventuality for the second-largest ethnic group in the world without a homeland.373

"It's a quadruple win. The U.S. performs a face saving withdrawal, which Trump can sell as avoiding a conflict with NATO ally Turkey. Turkey has the guarantee—by the Russians—that the Syrian Army will be in control of the Turkish-Syrian border. Russia prevents a war escalation and keeps the Russia-Iran-Turkey peace process alive. And Syria will eventually regain control of the entire northeast." —Pepe Escobar374

However, a meeting between Erdoğan and Putin, which began on October 22nd, appears to have created mixed results. They agreed that Russian military police and Syrian servicemen will be deployed to northeastern Syria, while Turkey's operation 'Peace Spring' will continue indefinitely in a limited area.375 The first joint Russian-Turkish patrols along the western segment of the border were initiated on November 1, 2019.376 Theoretically, Turkey's continued actions should be directed at any Kurdish troops that have not moved 30 km from the border, but civilian populations are being attacked with white phosphorus,377 and the U.S. is providing $4.5 million in aid to the White Helmets,378 who continue to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, now working with Turkey against the Kurds.

While Moscow has repeatedly urged Turkey to show restraint in its activities in Syria, and warned it against doing anything that might hamper the political settlement process in the country, clearly the Turks are not abiding by this agreement, unless Putin considers the Kurdish civilians irrelevant. On October 30, Turkey and allied Islamist factions launched an attack against Tal Tamr, a historic Assyrian Christian enclave 50km deep inside Syrian territory—far beyond the scope of the 10km patrol zone or the 30km "safe" zone.379 As of December 16, 2019, Turkey’s slash and burn juggernaut continued. If Putin is to retain his credibility with other parties to the larger settlement, then clearly he could not permit Turkey, and its various, U.S.-trained mercenaries, to run wild, as is currently the case; otherwise, what is to prevent Hezb'Allah from violating some future agreement to come out of the Syrian Constitutional Committee or following? Worse yet, it continued to appear that both Russia and the U.S. are complicit in allowing Turkey’s ethnic cleansing of the Kurds. Assad has given notice that Turkey’s continued deployment of U.S. mercenaries (ISIS, etc.) will not be tolerated, and gave orders to his army to rid Syria of them. On January 7, 2020 Putin made a rare visit to Syria for talks.

Other bilateral issues were discussed at the 6-hour-long conference between the Putin and Erdoğan, including defense cooperation involving the S-400 and continued trade in bilateral currencies.380

Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to posture as if it was surprised by Turkey's invasion, which was followed by Trump threatening to impose economic sanctions against Turkey. This was not only a political ploy to blunt criticism of a well-calculated move,381 given the aid the U.S. is providing the White Helmets, but it could provide a weapon against Turkey, which is continuing to drift away from NATO. The terms of the threatened sanctions not only target key Turkish goods, but top Turkish officials as well, just like the sanctions that the U.S. uses presently against Russia, Iran, and Venezuela.382 The U.S. threat of sanctions was withdrawn with the announcement of the ceasefire, but the precedence for such sanctions has now been established.

In a major twist, Pence, who days ago said the U.S. would not be engaging militarily in Syria, announced a reversal of U.S. policy, and is sending tanks to protect the U.S.-controlled oilfields in Eastern Syria from ISIS.383 When Trump abandoned the Kurds, he said the U.S. had defeated ISIS. The first reaction of many pundits was, "See, all about the oil!"384 which is only partially correct. Every nation attacked after 9-11 controlled their own central bank and currency. Oil and gold reserves are secondary to controlling money creation.

The question remained whether Syria and Russia were going to militarily confront the U.S. over Syria's oil. Russia was quick to point out that the Kurd's ISIS prisoners have (mostly) been secured and that the U.S. is infringing on Syrian sovereignty in violation of international law. The Russians previously documented that this oil was being tanked to Turkey for sale on the black market, to help finance the cartel's military adventurism.385 Russia reiterated all these claims, using satellite photos, as proof.386

In support of their claim to be protecting Syrian oil fields from ISIS, the U.S. proclaimed that they killed an ISIS leader.387 We expect there is as much proof for this as Obama's claim that U.S. troops killed bin Laden, who died of kidney failure years before388; As it turns out, the Russians called the report a fabrication.389 Regardless, as Russia has stated:

"Absolutely all hydrocarbon accumulations and other mineral resources located on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic do not belong to the IS terrorists, and definitely not to the "American defenders from IS terrorists", but exclusively to the Syrian Arab Republic.

"Neither in international law, nor in American law itself—there has never been and there will never be a single legitimate task for the American troops—to protect and defend the hydrocarbon accumulations of Syria from Syria itself and its people."390

A few days later, U.S. Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper announced that the U.S. is deploying additional forces, including forces from the U.K. (and here), to secure oilfields in eastern Syria and will deny the Syrian government access to that oil, as part of a plan to generate revenue for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).391 Esper also claimed that this was to prevent ISIS from taking control over the oil. These two statements confirm that Esper is lying,392 because Syria and Russia, along with the Kurdish troops that have made an agreement with them, could certainly secure the oil fields, and the Kurds, who have made agreements with Syria and Russia, can certainly continue to hold ISIS prisoners without U.S. support. What Esper actually means is that by occupying Syria’s oil fields, the U.S. prevents Syria from using oil revenues to rebuild itself from the cartel’s invasion.

To do this, mercenaries (ISIS and other jihadists) are being thrown at Syrian troops, and the U.S., via Turkey, is still attacking Syrian cities and civilian populations (here and here). On February 3, 2020, the Turkish military struck 40 Syrian military targets in Idlib as a retaliation for Syrian government troops attacking Turkey’s ISIS mercenaries in the city and killing some Turkish military personnel. Erdoğan appealed to Russia not to support Syria’s attempts to rid its country of the cartel's mercenaries. Syrian attacks to capture Idlib continued (and here), just as they did in Aleppo. Turkey sent additional regular troops and ISIS/al Qaeda to the area and threatened military action against any troops attacking their occupation. This put Putin in a difficult position, since he is committed to Syrian sovereignty, but has allowed Turkey's ethnic cleansing of the Kurds, using the cartel's jihadists, for the purpose of securing Turkey’s southern border, as well as continuing the Sochi and Astana framework peace process and the Russian-Turkish truce in Libya.

However, after a year and a half of failed promises from Erdoğan, Putin made some hard choices or to avoid losing the confidence of his allies, particularly after Erdoğan has made it clear he is working for the cartel.

On February 5, 2020, Erdoğan accused Russia of not fulfilling its obligations under the Sochi agreement that proposed the creation of a safe zone in northwestern Syria, as Syrian troops gradually recaptured some parts of the Idlib governorate, pushing militant groups—who continuously violated the ceasefire—closer to the Turkish border. Russia blamed the initial incident on miscommunication with the Turkish side. Erdogan and Putin then took part in an emergency phone call and agreed to reinforce coordination in Syria. However, the incidents continued to escalate, including friction between U.S. and Russian troops, and drone attacks on Syrian bases. Russia accused Turkey of flouting the agreements it made with Moscow on Syria and aggravating the situation in Idlib. The Kremlin said Ankara had failed to neutralize militants there, as per a 2018 agreement to establish a de-escalation zone.

The success of Syrian government troops, particularly now that they have secured Aleppo, set up a major confrontation. With Russia airpower and Putin’s backing, Assad has made it clear that the invaders will be ousted, as Syrian troops push Turkish mercenaries back toward the border. Turkey called Russia’s bluff and attempted to take back Idlib, but Russia delivered jets and rockets in return, coordinated with Syrian government ground troops, pushing Turkish troops and mercenaries out of the area. In response, Erdogan armed refugees and sent them across the border (and here and here) into Greece, as he had threatened, but Greece, E.U., and Russia are having none of it (and here and here). The warmup for the major battle over the oil fields held by the U.S. (and here), which have drawn heavy criticism from Russia, is just over the horizon. After responding to Turkey's last retaliation against Syria on Syrian soil, Putin's most important decision since taking up Assad's invitation in 2015 is now here.

If Putin ousts Turkey from Syria, the U.S. may not have the troops or firepower to defend its new position—despite its bluster and hubris—and its call for the re-engagement of the displaced Kurds does not sit well with the local Arab population, nor with the Kurds, whose days as mercenaries for the cartel's U.S. military proxy are over.394 However, as of October 28, 2019, the U.S. threatened "overwhelming military force" against Syria and Russia, if they attempt to take the oil fields.395 So far, they have turned back Russian patrols in the area, mediated by Syrian government troops. In December, local Syrian media reported that the U.S. is building a large military base within the al-Omar oil field, in the province of Deir Ezzor, and instead of Kurdish troops, the U.S. is deploying ISIS to do battle with Syrian troops (and here), to keep them from advancing toward U.S. positions. This same tactic, of the U.S. deploying ISIS as an excuse to invade and steal resources is beginning to be played out in Malaysia as well. Syria is planning to sue the U.S. regarding the illegal seizure of its oil fields, to make its point globally. On March 15, 2020, U.S. military equipment from Iraq arrived at their Syrian bases. This was followed by troop movements as well. As noted earlier, the Kurds are still under attack by the Turks and their U.S. jihadist mercenaries, despite Turkish positions losing ground to the approaching Syrian government forces (backed by Russian air power).

On October 28, 2019, the U.S. threatened "overwhelming military force" (and here and here) against Syria and Russia, if they attempt to take the oil fields. So far, the U.S. has turned back Russian patrols in the area, mediated by Syrian government troops. In December, local Syrian media reported that the U.S. is building a large military base within the al-Omar oil field, in the province of Deir Ezzor, and instead of Kurdish troops, the U.S. is deploying ISIS, aided by the Turks, to do battle with Syrian troops, to keep them from advancing toward U.S. positions. (This same tactic, of the U.S. deploying ISIS as an excuse to invade and steal resources is beginning to be played out in Malaysia as well.) Syria is planning to sue the U.S. regarding the illegal seizure of its oil fields. Thus, we await the outcome of the military confrontation between Russia and Syria versus Turkey and ISIS (as cartel proxies who, for the moment, are insulating U.S. troops from a direct confrontation). On March 5, a weakened Erdoğan flew to Moscow to negotiate with Putin who is, at this point, further backed by Iran and Hezb’Allah (which oversees a series of enclave of Turkish troops), who oppose Turkish imperial ambitions. (Here, here, here, here, and here) Basically, a ceasefire was agreed, with terms that temporarily met the aims of the Syrian army and, for now, ends the Turkish threat to attack the Syrian army and to reconquer all areas it had liberated over the last months (here and here); however, it is unclear whether Turkey exacted a quid pro quo from Russia that involves de facto annexation of Syrian territory. In either case, it appears that the U.S. is using its ISIS mercenaries to undermine the deal.

Syrian gains on Turkish battle lines as of March 5, 2020

Another factor in the movement, build-up, and deployment of U.S. troops around the oil fields in Eastern Syria is the unstable situation in Iraq,396 and its government decree stating that U.S. troops from Syria cannot stay. Iraq has gone to the U.N. with this demand.397 Despite the opposition from the Iraqi government, the U.S. plans to build three new bases. Apparently, there are about 5,000 U.S. troops in the area.398 The cartel's proxies have been in control of Iraq since 2003. It's unclear whether local opposition has the numbers to rid the country of the various U.S. military outposts, but protests have forced the prime minister to resign, as government violence was met with increased levels of protest. One complaint of protesters is the presence of Iranian troops in Iraq (and here), similar to an element in the Lebanese protests, in both cases at odds with the Hezb'Allah-influenced government.

The same holds true in Afghanistan, where the U.S. has its largest concentration of troops to protect the poppy fields (and here) and to slow down the integration and economic union of Eurasia, Afghanistan being a central pivot both for China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Russia’s North-South corridor to connect Moscow and New Delhi. Afghanistan is also the gateway and intersection between North Africa, the Middle East, the Persian Gulf and South Asia.

The recent agreement that sets a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops includes a number of contingencies, including the Taliban disassociating itself from terrorist organizations and their recognition of the U.S.-backed government. What is not being reported, of course, is the agreement concerning the poppy fields, and the use of U.S. mercenaries to substitute for U.S. troops, which will be theoretically reduced from 14,000 to 8,500 (the number it was when Trump took office). In any case, the agreement does not take effect until the end of 2021, and only if it has not been invalidated, which is more likely to happen than implementation, albeit, after the 2020 U.S. general election. Less than a week after the agreement was signed, the U.S. responded to a Taliban attack on the U.S.-backed government’s troops, considered U.S. allies under the terms of the deal.

As it stands, the case can be made for both the unipolar and multipolar global models, as both the cartel and the coalition are decentralizing according to tribal and religious divisions that will operate under a federated system controlled by the two major global blocs.

The flagrant imperialism, in the establishment of a U.S. base in the Syrian oil fields, does provide an opportunity for Trump's "opposition" in the U.S. presidential campaign, such as Bernie Sanders, to lure progressive voters to stay within the red-blue political party marketing brand charade by criticizing Trump's move to continue to steal Syrian oil.400 However, for the most part, Sanders has supported U.S. military interventions in the Middle East, South America, etc.401

Russia's relationship with Israel

As with most countries dominated by Christians, whether Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, or other variants, Russia has a history of persecuting Jews, including the formation of ghettos, various expulsions, property seizures, slaughter, dissolution of communities, arrests of rabbis, and pogroms (all of which contributed to the strong support from Russian Jews for a Jewish homeland). Even Bolsheviks of Jewish ancestry were involved in these actions against the Jews, going so far as to support the prohibition of the use of Hebrew, which is the language of the Torah—all of this despite the high proportions of Jews in the Soviet government and in the army (including an estimated 500,000 Jewish soldiers).

With liberalized emigration policies in the late 1980s and early 1990s, more than half the Jewish population left the Soviet Union, most for Israel. For many years, Russia had the highest rate of any country for immigration to Israel. Despite this exodus, Russia's Jewish population is still the third largest in Europe, after France and the U.K. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a small renaissance in the Russian Jewish community.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, April, 2018

Putin's challenge is navigating Eastern Orthodox interests, including its rabid anti-Semitism (and, by the way, anti-LGBT laws, which Putin supports, as well as the church’s misogyny), based on the lie that the Jews killed Jesus, versus the position of many Jews who recognize this lie and see its virulence in the forced conversions, torture, pogroms, asset seizures, jihads, crusades, and inquisitions that have been central to their persecution by Christians and Muslims. Whether Putin is up to this task remains to be seen; however, given that he propagates the standard Christian myth that is the root cause of anti-Semitism, as well employing other bigotries—which are certainly not consistent with the teachings of Jesus—lowers his chances of solving the issues.

"The notion that the Jews were somehow responsible as a people for the death of Jesus had now become an accepted part of the Christian tradition. Time had obliterated the fact that the early Christians were Jews, that Jesus himself was a Jew. And time had obliterated any consciousness that the Crucifixion of Jesus by the Romans was the response of Rome to a defiance of its authority." —Abba Eban, former Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister, Education Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Ambassador to the United States, Ambassador to the United Nations, Vice President of the United Nations General Assembly, and President of the Weizmann Institute of Science.402

Eban's point, coupled with our earlier reference to a 17th century manuscript,403 which documents that in 33 C.E. every member of the Roman Senate was a usurer, brings complete transparency to the actual sequence of events at that time and to the process of rewriting history by the Roman Catholic Church and the Roman empire. Editing history is nothing new, of course, but in this case it is a critical issue—i.e., the root cause of anti-Semitism—that must be resolved to reach a stable solution.

As Michael Baigent points out in The Jesus Papers,404 crucifixion was punishment for crimes against the state. If Jesus had been found guilty of Judaic religious crimes (blasphemy), his punishment at the time would have been stoning to death.

Ongoing scholarship continues to supplement this point:

"Pilate is an extreme case: successive writers, intoxicated by what he represented and unhindered by knowing much about him, invented him almost from scratch.

"That process of 'invention' has taken some startling turns. For example, soon after Jesus' death, his followers gave a particular spin to the events. They initially saw Pilate as the villainous representative of Roman colonial power. Wroe's research supports this view, showing that Jesus may have been a local troublemaker, an affront to Roman authority. Here, Pilate's role would seem clear: He works to maintain the status quo of those in power, in Judea as well as Rome. Jesus must be dealt with, not merely swiftly and efficiently but made into an example for others to see.

"In a matter of decades, however, Christian believers began to paint Pilate in a more favorable manner in order to cozy up to Roman authority. In this scenario, however, Pilate, though still guilty of participating in Christ's crucifixion, is manipulated by the Jews into reluctantly condemning a man he's come to believe is truly holy. Wroe shows how this led to the scapegoating of the Jews and was undoubtedly a major contributing factor in the development of anti-Semitism."405

Thus, Putin finds himself in the unenviable position of negotiating for a country comprised of many believers of an edited book in which anti-Semitism was embedded for the express purpose of exonerating the perpetrators, so that they could hijack the teachings of a Jewish prophet and create a new religion to control their subjects. Putin also presides over a significant Islamic population who believe the same lie, and whose religion bequeathed itself the mantle of legitimate heir to spiritual leadership in the iterative sequence of the three religions that claim Abrahamic lineage.

On the other hand, he is negotiating with representatives of the cartel who, themselves, may hold no particular religious or spiritual preferences other than what they claim for the purposes of legitimizing themselves in the eyes of their "constituents." However, even such posturing often requires the incorporation of concessions to the position of these domestic populations. For example, the "Deal of the Century" that Trump unveiled recognizes annexation by Israel of certain land on the West Bank, causing the Palestinian Authority to end diplomatic negotiations with the U.S. and Israel, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to declare that the territories of the Palestinian state designed by Trump only represent 22 percent of "historic Palestine," apparently using the Roman renaming of Israel as the basis of his "historic" claims.

In the case of Israel, as we have noted, the objectives of the cartel's proxies and the population of Israel overlap on the issue of security of the state. This is exactly why, in Trump’s version of the “Deal of the Century,” the entire plan revolves around security of the Jews who live in Israel. Of course, criticism of the plan, from Islamists and their supporters who claim to be "progressives," including Bernie Sanders, involves a number of logical fallacies that we have addressed, such as (1) the claim that the plan is racist and Apartheid (the Egyptians and the Saudis who comprise most of the "Palestinians" and the "European Jews" [Ashkenazi] share the same Semitic markers according to a number of genome studies), and (2) that "Palestine" contains Israel, the assignment of which is actually an historical remnant from the Roman attempt to remove Israel from the map, long before those who lived in the Philistine states drifted into the territory. Instead, the Islamists present a map, which begins conveniently in 1946, that shows a shrinking Palestine, rather than the map in which Palestina was artificially magnified by a name change. After Trump’s plan, Palestine would actually be larger than the original Philistine states referred to by the Romans, although they will not have independence, due to the declared position of Hamas and Hezb’Allah to wipe wipe out Israel.. The Islamists will be taking their case to the U.N., where the proselytizing religions of Islam and Christianity dominate the voting composition. This is why, in Section IV of this work, treaty principle #2 prohibits such hegemonic religious ideologies, and why, as it is presently configured, the U.N. is not capable of dealing with the facts.

In the case of Turkey and the Kurds, the central issues are not about religious beliefs, since they are, generally speaking, different flavors of the same Islamic variant (Sunni), but rather about political and economic philosophies, as well as ethnic differences, with Turkey's vision that of a centralized and growing power, in the manner of a nuclear-armed Sultanate promulgating its version of Islam,406 with aspirations of an Ottoman imperial restoration (Erdoğan: "Turkey is a major power that fears no one" and it's the "Champion of the Palestinians and the Arab World."407), versus Turkey's leading Kurdish party and military power (KPP), which has adopted a decentralized socialist democracy model of governance.408

In the case of Turkey and the Armenians, there is a territorial clash as well as one between Islam and Christianity, which resulted in the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians by the Turks (1914–1923). The same holds true of Turkey and the Cypriots (Eastern Orthodox variants), with Turkey laying claims to the Mediterranean oil fields off the coast of Cyprus,409 as well as to Libya, which has met with great rebuke by Greece,Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, and the EU, as well as the Arab League. Turkey was undaunted, and sent military proxies (ISIS, et al.) to Tripoli, to be followed by Turkish regulars (and here and here). However, forces under the command of Libyan National Army Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar are approaching Tripoli and inflicting heavy damage. As Soner Cagaptay, director of the Turkish Research Program at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, noted, "Contact with Libyan sea space allows Ankara to cut into Israeli-Egyptian-Cypriot-Greek axis boxing Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean." Turkey's strategy of playing on both sides of the fence to conquer the world based on religious hegemony and political ambitions will likely meet heavy resistance from some quarter at some point soon. Libya or Syria may be that crossroad (and here). However, on January 12, 2020, a Libyan ceasefire brokered by Turkey and Russia was announced, though both sides are accusing the other of breaking the truce. From a multipolar point of view, it seems odd that Russia would allow Turkey to deploy the same troops in Libya which were used by the U.S. against Syria—a concession that would undermine the credibility of Russian ambitions in Africa, unless Putin is planning on having Turkey's troops removed during the tenuous truce, which may be the case, given Russia's steady military support for Haftar.

Christianity and Islam must come to grips with doctrinal lies regarding Judaism

Clearly, in addition to the political and economic considerations in Syria and the Levant, Russia must come to grips with fundamental religious beliefs that are based on lies. Whether Putin states such things in public is not necessary, but a long-term successful resolution of the conflict depends on all the negotiating parties understanding this issue and addressing it. For example, the Roman Catholic Church attempted to paint Pius XII as a "prudent" protector of the Jews, rather than an enabler of the Nazis,410 because it is not capable of fully apologizing for the Holocaust without having to confess its sins of commission, coming clean that it was the Romans, not the Jews, who killed Jesus, and that this fabricated doctrinal position was the basis for the Church's alignment with the Nazis. It's no surprise that the so-called Protocols of the Elders of Zion was PSYOPS written by a Catholic priest.

Essentially, the progression of historical events leads to the fact that Jesus was a Jew whose followers believed that he was updating the law for a new dispensation. Of course, most Jews also have been led to reject this idea—because of the manner in which Christianity was presented to them: "Here's our savior's doctrine of love; convert or we will torture you and then kill you."—which is to say that the Jews must revisit this issue and change their perspective just like Christians and Muslims who believe that the Jews killed Jesus.

Another major ramification of such an admission is the understanding Jesus was killed for attacking usury. This is underscored by a key teaching that appears in the Gospel of Thomas, which comes down to us unedited with the rest of the Gnostic Gospels that were buried for more than seventeen centuries and unearthed 1945:

"If you have money, do not lend it at interest, but give it to one from whom you will not get it back." —Gospel of Thomas (95).

This brings us back to the root cause of global economic, political, and social dysfunction, private control over money creation, and the necessity of prohibiting this practice, to create a sustainable global society and a stable currency that reflects the value created by labor and its adjuncts (machines, computers, robots, and artificial intelligence). This change in the money creation process—from that of a private franchise to a public utility—is the key to having the resources to end poverty, hunger, homelessness, ignorance, unsustainable growth, weather-as-a-weapon, and war itself. This is one of the points that Jesus was making by driving out the money lenders: private control over money creation is a crime against humanity.

Thus, we see where global political, economic, and social transformation overlap with global spiritual transformation: on the matter of the value created by labor (money) and the prohibition of usury. This is the springboard to global transformation and human evolution. It is now our responsibility to drive the money lenders from the temple of democracy.

Russia's relationship with Iran and Islamic fundamentalists

As we have seen, Russia's role in Syria and the Levant, as well as part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and other trans-Asian and trans-European programs, is complex, involving competing military, political, economic, social (ethnic), and religious forces.

Obviously, Russia and China see Iran as a strategic partner in economic matters, not only in terms of mutual trade, but as part of its greater objectives in creating what will be the largest free trade zone in the world (across Asia), and in exchanging those goods and services with Europe and Africa as well. As it stands, China is already the largest purchaser of Iranian oil, with its share increasing steadily during U.S. sanctions.411 In early September 2019, both Russia and China announced massive investments in the Iranian oil sector412; however, it’s worth noting that Russia sees Iran as a competitor for European markets, and thus will leverage its investments to see Iran’s oil and natural gas go east. Also, as noted in Section II413 of this online book, Russia and China exchange value with Iran in their own currencies.

Recently, speculation arose concerning the current and future infrastructure of the Russian navy in the Iranian port of Chabahar,414 which is a key link in India's North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) that will significantly shorten the transportation links between Russia and India415 (as well as eventually linking Afghanistan),416 while avoiding potential maritime hot spots, where the U.S. and British navies have a habit of breaching international law, with self-declared sanctions and ship hijackings417; that is, piracy. There are also possibilities for Russian-Indian "joint ventures in India that would design and build passenger aircraft" defense technologies and military cooperation418 as the basis for "an especially privileged strategic partnership," and a long-term agreement to import Russian crude, possibly using the Northern Sea Route and a pipeline system.419

However, Russia's relations with India are complicated by India's complicity in U.S. sanctions against Iran,420 which is now proposing to build a pipeline for LNG delivery to China that parallels India's pipeline. India's recent crackdown in Kashmir—against Sunnis celebrating Imam Hussein, who was the third Shia Imam and grandson of Prophet Muhammad—has further alienated Iran. Given that India will not be buying Iranian oil, Russia may pull out of its commitment to build an undersea pipeline connecting Iran and India and to modify the proposed project to end in the People's Republic instead.421 However, Russia did step back from making an issue of India's anti-Muslim actions in Kashmir, a move which was greeted with consternation in Iran and Pakistan, key BRI partners. India has been a major customer for Russian arms, and is now being pressured by the U.S. to renege on its deal for Russian S-400 missiles. In late December 2019, Iran held joint naval exercises with Russia and China centered around protecting the port at Chabahar.

Russia's differences with Iran involve the militarization of Islam which, along with Russian and Israeli interests in reducing Iranian influence in Syria and Lebanon and preventing Iran from creating a means to send its oil and LNG across Iraq and Syria to EU destinations, is why Russia permits Israel to attack Hezb'Allah positions,422 or attack technology that protects Hezb'Allah.423 Meanwhile, Hezb'Allah states that any attacks by Israel against its positions in Syria will be retaliated by its forces in Lebanon,424 a threat which underscores the Islamic capture of Lebanon in the last generation, through higher birth rates and the emigration of Christians, due to a climate of intolerance in the most religiously diverse country in the Levant.425 In response, the U.S. and Israel are working on an agreement that would deploy the U.S. military if Israel is attacked. Hezb’Allah’s position has become somewhat weaker in the face of the current protests against a corrupt and economically inept regime, a regime which has the full support of Hezb'Allah's chief, Nasrallah:

"We do not accept the fall of the presidency nor do we accept the government's resignation and we do not accept, amid these conditions, holding early parliamentary elections."426

However, on October 29, 2019, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri submitted his cabinet's resignation to President Michel Aoun "after having reached a dead-end, and sensing the need for a positive shock." It was also announced that Lebanese banks would remain closed until further notice, heightening the pressure on the protestors. The government also dispatched additional police and military troops "to restore order in the capital."427 Aoun asked Hariri to remain in office until "a suitable replacement" is found.428 In other words, those in control of the government (Hezb'Allah and its allies control parliament429) are hoping to arrange cosmetic concessions to remain in power. Protesters also called for Aoun's resignation, which he rejected.

Aoun is calling for a non-sectarian government, replacing "sects" with civil servants, and "technocrats" to revive the economy. The country's current political system assigns the post of prime minister to a Sunni Muslim, while the president is a Maronite Christian, and the speaker of parliament is a Shia Muslim.

"Ministers should be chosen according to their competencies and expertise, not political loyalties," Aoun said.430

The banks reopened after two weeks. The U.S. refuses to send $105 million in aid that it promised,431 until it sees who is in control, and the nature of their plans. The U.S. has repeatedly expressed concern over the growing role of Hezb'Allah in the Beirut government,432 and is actively working to undermine Hezb’Allah influence. There are other, much larger pledges of aid from the West ($11 billion) that are being withheld.433 Continued protests and new bank closures brought the U.N. to recommend the formation of a new government, along the lines of what Aoun has recommended.

Whether a tipping point will be reached that changes control over the government remains to be seen,434 but the protests continue against Hariri, Aoun, and Nasrallah, though Hezb’Allah protesters say that Nasrallah should not be targeted (and here). The fluidity of the situation in Lebanon may influence Nasrallah’s promised response to any Israeli attack on Hezb’Allah targets in Syria, the latest having occurred on November 20, 2019.

In mid-December 2019, Hariri re-emerged late in the game as the anointed candidate for Prime Minister, getting the nod from Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian, Lebanon’s most senior Sunni cleric. Under the country’s power-sharing system, the prime minister must be a Sunni Muslim.

However, at the last minute, Hassan Diab, a professor at the American University of Beirut supported by Hezb’Allah, was named by Aoun and gained a simple majority in the parliament. But Diab failed to get the support of Lebanon’s major Sunni leaders, including former Prime Minister Saad Hariri, which will made it difficult for him to form a cabinet able to gain the international community’s trust and unlock badly needed financial assistance. Following Diab’s appointment, protests began anew.

On March 17, 2020, Iraqi President Barham Salih appointed Adnan al-Zurfi as the prime minister-designate to form an interim government. He has 30 days to put together a cabinet and present it to the parliament for approval. The crisis deepened in March, with Lebanon defaulting on its Eurobond debt. The cartel’s financiers are turning the screws, which enables a number of their objectives, including debt slavery and a government that operates as sectarian, untethered from religious objectives.

As we noted and will incorporate in our summary findings and treaty stipulations, the expansion of religions via aggressive proselytizing, forced conversions, asset seizures, expulsions, torture, crusades, jihads, etc. are crimes against humanity. Further, in some jurisdictions, such as the U.S., given the non-profit status of many churches, such behavior should nullify their continued tax-free classification, since they are political, economic, and military organizations masked by a religious banner.

Thus, as Patrushev stated after discussions with Netanyahu and Bolton,435 Russia is committed to certain restraints regarding Iran's deployment and support of Hezb'Allah in Syria, Lebanon (where Russian investments are on the rise436), Gaza, Iraq, and any other locations throughout the Levant; that is, restraints on Hezb'Allah's military use of these territories as a shield for its religious agenda.437 Whether this will bring Russia to support an initiative by Cooperation Council for the Arab States (GCC), an alliance of wealthy oil-producing Gulf Arab states backed by the U.S., to use their sizable financial resources to secure influence in Syria through investment in its economy, and simultaneously disengage Iran’s entrenched Hezb'Allah military presence, remains to be seen.

Recently, an influential Iran-based Shi'a cleric, Grand Ayatollah Kazim al-Haeri, responded to Israeli attacks against Hezb'Allah in Iraq with a fatwa forbidding America's military presence from continuing in Iraq, confirming from the Islamic side that a religious war is driving military actions in the Levant and elsewhere. Netanyahu expressed the same perspective five days earlier, declaring that "We are operating in many areas against a state that wants to annihilate us."438

On June 7, 2019, Brig.-Gen. Morteza Ghorbani, an adviser to the Chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), called on the region's Muslim countries to join Iran. Instead of "seeking the wishes and objectives of the global arrogance and the Zionists," all Muslim countries should back Iran, Ghorbani explained, because "together, we can establish an Islamic superpower."439

September 6, 2019: "The Zionist Entity of "Israel" is living its last days, said Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi, head of the Iranian army, saying the fall of "Israel" will occur in the near future."440

September 9, 2019: "... Hezbollah is NOT playing a silly tit-for-tat game with Tel Aviv drones and toy-size weapons, it is currently quietly playing for ... the liberation of Galilean Arab land from Jewish occupation. A consequential military mission that is engineered to initiate the road to the liberation of Jerusalem and the whole of Historic Palestine." —"Hezbollah Will Liberate the Galilee," Plato's Guns, September 8, 2019 441

February 11, 2020: "Israel will soon disappear from the Middle East," said Brig.-Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi, of the Iranian army’s public relations sector, speaking to veterans in Zarandieh in northeastern Iran, on the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. The rhetoric against Israel is nothing new from Iran but the list of "resistance" factions named in the speech, is part of Iran's worldview that increasingly sees Hezbollah, Shi'ite militias in Iraq, and Palestinian groups like Hamas as all part of the same force. (our emphasis)

While this is not the vision Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has in mind, he is wary of confronting Iran directly; however, in June, 2019, he rejected Iran's initiative for Hamas and Syria to reconcile based on the Hamas-Hezb'Allah alliance against Israel. Assad argued that the Hamas remains part of the Muslim Brotherhoods' networks, which had been fighting Damascus since the late-1970s and which continued to sponsor jihadist forces, a position derived directly from Iran's stated position. Despite Syrian sovereignty, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Qods Force continues to expand the Iranian strategic deployment in Syria.442

As noted earlier, the negotiations between Russia, Israel, and the U.S. are likely to be conducted off-the-record, with the objectives more likely to be seen in the strategy going forward, not in public discourse.443 Iran's jihadist ambitions will be tested as a result.444 There is pressure from all sides, as we see in the attacks on the Saudi ARAMCO refinery. The Yemeni Houthis claimed responsibility for the bombings, but the U.S. is pointing at Iran for supplying the weaponry (which included drones and cruise missiles),445 again leading back to the importance of Russia's position on Hezb'Allah moving forward. Later in this section, further evidence of this Houthi-Hezb'Allah connection is presented.

Russia's relations with the U.S., U.K., and France

Clearly, the cartel's proxies set out with the intention of overrunning Syria, just as they had done in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, and are attempting to do in Yemen, Sudan, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. As noted in Section I of this series,446 all of these targeted nations controlled/control their own central bank and currency, and a number of them control valuable oil and gold reserves.

In attempting to overthrow the legitimate government of Syria, the cartel has pulled every trick from their regime change playbook, including false claims regarding weapons-of-mass-destructions (WMDs),447 use of sarin gas,448 and presence of terrorists,449 as well their own implementation of a long list of war crimes and crimes against humanity.450

After this onslaught and the eventual pushback that came with Syria's invite to Russia, the cartel and its proxies controlled approximately 30% of Syria, including the key oil fields, prior to the withdrawal of U.S. support for the Kurds. On July 29, 2019, Russian General Sergey Rudskoy accused the U.S. and allied forces of hijacking Syrian oil via ISIS, and profiting from its sales.

Prior to this, Russia's Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov noted that, "Turkey is the main destination for the oil stolen from its legitimate owners, which are Syria and Iraq," and added, "Turkey resells this oil. The appalling part about it is that the country's top political leadership is involved in the illegal business—President Erdoğan and his family."451

In addition to the theft of Syrian oil, the U.S., has stolen 40 to 50 tons of gold.452

A recent report has it that a diplomatic initiative between Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Israel are intent on having Syria reinstated in the Arab League, to marginalize the regional influence of Turkey and Iran. According to these "unnamed sources," Yossi Cohen, director of the Mossad, told the group that "Iranian power is fragile. The real threat comes from Turkey."453 Call it a caliphate or a sultanate, Erdoğan's ambition is to restore the Ottoman Empire.

"There is no doubt about Turkish ambitions in Syria. The Ottoman Empire signed the Lausanne Treaty in 1923 at the Beau Rivage hotel in Switzerland. Lausanne gave Turkey better terms than the earlier Treaty of Sèvres, but Turkey was nevertheless forced to abandon claims to vast territories in Syria and Iraq (Mosul).

"Turkey claims, on the basis of an alleged secret article in the treaty, that the Lausanne treaty expires in 2023, after one hundred years. Erdoğan will be then claim the right to exploit energy resources in its territorial waters. Moreover, he plans to use the treaty expiration to justify Turkey taking back territories neighboring Turkey.

"This is why Erdoğan may not find it very difficult to convince Putin about his plan to exchange U.S. for Turkish occupation, especially if the price would be the exchange of Idlib for the al-Hasaka/Raqqah area. This is not the first time the Turkish president has made such a deal. He has effectively contributed to the return of Aleppo and al-Ghouta to the hands of the Syrian army."454

If Russia's goal is to eventually oust the cartel from Syria (and this is not necessarily their objective457), then shape-shifting Turkey will play a key role in the outcome, depending on its willingness to forego its part in the NATO-ISIS black market oil operation (as well as in their illegal negotiations with the U.S. regarding the location of the Kurds in Syrian territory). In terms of international law and the treaty stipulations to end WWIII, ending imperial theft of sovereign resources is a priority, as is ending unilateral partitioning of sovereign nations. There are no political or military excuses left for the cartel's presence in Syria; every premise has been shown to be false and/or falsified, although there are, obviously, economic and currency needs involving support for FRNs, as well as unspoken, and demonstrably vital, premises, related to "the war that cannot be spoken," which we discussed earlier in this section. Whether Russia has the leverage, as well as the political and military will, to craft an outcome that removes the U.S. and its mercenaries remains to be seen,458 though events leading up to the present seem to indicate this intent.


Two hundred years of imperial meddling in Persia

After the demise of the Persian empire by Alexander the Great, what we know as Iran has been overrun serially by various dynasties, including the Mongols and the Turks, and everyone in-between, as well as having enjoyed periods of self-rule. The slaughter from these ongoing wars, as well as the shifting of populations, has resulted in a thorough mixing of ethnicities as well. Iran became a Shi'ite state at the beginning of the 16th century, as a result of the founding of the Safavid dynasty and its policy of Shi'a Islam as the official religion.

From the late 18th to the late 19th century, Iran was ruled by a succession of dynasties within the larger context of The Great Game between the British and Russian empires. Internal politics shifted dramatically with the Persian Constitutional Revolution against the Shah in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Shah managed to remain in power by granting a limited constitution in 1906, making the country a constitutional monarchy the same year that oil was discovered, which intensified meddling from the U.K. and Russia.

During World War I, the country was occupied by British, Ottoman, and Russian forces. In 1921, a military coup established Reza Khan, an officer of the Persian Cossack Brigade, as the dominant figure for the next 20 years. In 1925, after being prime minister for two years, Reza Khan became the first shah of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1925. He introduced a series of laws designed to westernize the country, which created resentment among devout Muslims and the clergy.

Control of the nation remained in flux during the early chaos of WWII, with the allies (U.S., U.K., and Russia) demanding that Iran reject the German military presence. Expecting the Germans to win the war, Reza Khan refused and, after ruling for almost 16 years, was forced to abdicate, on September 16, 1941, by the Anglo-Soviet invasion and the subsequent occupation. He was replaced with his young son Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

Due to subversion and corruption, the parliament never established itself, and the Shah gradually gained power with the backing of the U.S. and U.K., who made concessions to Russia regarding oil supplies to get the Soviets to withdraw their troops. The cartel's proxies then reneged on those promises, while simultaneously toppling Russian control in the northern regions of Azerbaijan and Iranian Kurdistan, the Azerbaijan People's Government, and the Republic of Kurdistan.

However, Iran retained some degree independence at this time, as evidenced in 1951 by the parliament backing Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq's nationalization of the British-owned oil industry, despite an economic blockade by Britain. A power struggle ensued until August 19, 1953, when a successful coup was organized by the U.S. (CIA), with the active support of Britain (MI6). The coup, and a concurrent propaganda campaign, forced Mosaddeq from office. He was arrested and tried for treason and found guilty. His sentence was reduced to house arrest while his foreign minister was executed. The remaining opposition to the Shah was ruthlessly suppressed. On the sixtieth anniversary of Mosaddeq's removal, August 19, 2013, the CIA released documents that acknowledging it was responsible for staging the coup d'état.459

The Shah ruled as an autocrat with U.S. backing, dictating the terms of the Iranian government's "agreement" with a consortium of the cartel's oil companies, which ran Iran's facilities for the next 25 years splitting profits fifty-fifty with Iran, but not allowing Iran to audit their accounts or have members on their board of directors.

Following a series of failed economic, social, agrarian, and administrative reforms, certain Islamic religious and political groups began to agitate in support of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, following the cleric's arrest for a speech attacking the Shah. During the decade before the Islamic Revolution in 1978-79, hundreds of Iran political prisoners were killed by the Shah's internal security police (SAVAK). In December 1979, after more than two years of strikes, demonstrations, and a culminating guerrilla and rebel military victory, the approval of the new theocratic Constitution established Ayatollah Khomeini as the Supreme Leader of the country.

After the Islamic revolution, Iranian-aligned organizations like Hezbollah attacked U.S. targets, such as the 1984 embassy bombing in Beirut. U.S. allies, like Israel, have assassinated Iranian scientists.

The "War on Iran" has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon since the mid-1990s under the U.S. Central Command's (USCENTCOM) "Strategy of Dual Containment" directed against "the Rogue States of Iraq and Iran" formulated during the Clinton administration.460

Return of Iranian sovereignty and a theocracy

As noted, Iran is presently one of a handful of nations that controls its own central bank and currency. In addition to its debt-free currency, it has a well-funded army as a result of oil revenues—in mid-1973, the Shah returned the oil industry to national control, raised prices, and sold oil to the West during the Arab oil embargo following the Arab-Israeli War of October 1973—thus, because of the fire power required, the nation was excluded from the initial list of seven countries to be destroyed in five years that was handed to the Pentagon after the 9-11 false flag.

Obviously, the cartel's timeline has been stalled, but economic warfare and military skirmishing driven by the cartel's proxies—U.S., U.K., France, Saudi Arabia, and Israel—has ramped up as Russia, China, Iran (and its mercenary, Hezb’Allah) have come to the aid of Syria.

Central Bank of the Islamic State of Iran

Iran in the cross-hairs

As we've noted, in a world where the cartel brings down currencies at will, gold serves the financiers as a viable hedge, despite its misguided use as a commodity valued above people and all living things, and the illusion of its intrinsic value. Draining the gold reserves of any nation that fails to kowtow to the lords of usury is as common a strategy of the financiers as profiteering on war, energy, healthcare, education,461 and using drones to murder children,462 not that Islam's strapping explosives to children is any better.463

One of the cartel's fundamental strategies in regime change is the softening of the target nation's population through devaluation of the currency and the subsequent reduction in the availability of key commodities, such as food, medicine, and petro—thus enabling the financier's proxies to buy and manipulate desperate people to demonstrate and take up arms in support of a coup d'état.

On April 22nd, 2018, Global Research published an article entitled "Washington Using Currency War to Destabilize Iran,"464 by one of the best current progressive researchers and writers, F. William Engdahl.

Engdahl details the cartel's multi-pronged attack on Iran, using currency, foreign exchange markets, and economic sanctions to destroy Iran's economy and to attempt another "color revolution" (i.e., a coup d'état)—their modus operandi being an induced economic crisis followed by Washington's launch of its fake democracy NGOs under National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the Soros Foundations—to try to divide Iranians and spread chaos. In fact, both the previous U.S. National Security head John Bolton and former CIA director, now Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo have declared that regime change is the financiers' objective in Iran.465

Everything that the cartel has thrown at Iran, via its proxy governments—the U.S., U.K., France, Saudi Arabia, and Israel—qualifies as acts of war. As we noted in a previous post,466 there is no longer much of an effort to hide the lawlessness of the cartel's actions. The current series of attacks began with the executive puppet (POTUS) off-handedly saying that he was not inclined to renew the agreement in place that was brokered to prohibit any Iranian nuclear enrichment program. At the same time, banks in the UAE (another cartel proxy state) and Saudi Arabia deliberately delayed the processing of Iranian oil payments, which had been rising significantly after the partial lifting of sanctions that followed the Iranian nuclear non-proliferation agreement. As a result of these delays and a renewal of sanctions, the value of Iran's currency fell to its lowest since the 1979 Khomeini Revolution, inducing panic, as Iranians dump Rials in a desperate bid to get dollars.

Iran's response to this initial volley—dropping the dollar and exchanging Euros for the Rial—was a curious one, in the sense that the European Central Bank is backed by the Fed, as evidenced during the engineered 2008 collapse.467 But Europe needs oil, and after the nuclear sanctions were lifted, a growing share of Iran's increased oil production began to flow to Europe. Even after sanctions were reinstated on the dubious charges that Iran had violated the nuclear accord, various EU states (including Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden) created a workaround (INSTEX) for purchasing Iranian oil, as we noted in Section II: The Sino-Russian coalition's current and future capabilities.468 However, the U.S. and the U.K. sought to raise the stakes, trying to provoke Iran into military actions by hijacking its oil shipments.

Before the attacks on its currency and oil production (via sanctions), Iran's trade balance was positive. In 2017, the country exported $50 billion of oil and $40 billion of non-oil exports while it imported $50 billion worth of goods and services. Oil production had risen significantly to 3.8 million barrels/day from 2.6 million barrels/day in 2012 at the peak of sanctions. But that situation is slipping quickly. On April 11, 2019 the currency was worth 60,000 Rials to the dollar. The previous September it was one to 36,000.

This gives rise to the question of whether Russia will do for Iran what it is doing for Venezuela, acting as a wholesaler and shipper, with Iran getting its cut.469 The cartel's military proxies still play a provocative game with Russia, but escalation is generally avoided, given the weaponry on both sides. In November, Iran reported the discovery of a major oil field that will add 53 billion barrels would be added to its proven reserves of roughly 150 billion. Iran currently has the world’s fourth-largest proven deposits of crude oil and the world’s second-largest deposits of natural gas.

Anglo-American military actions against Iran

As part of the cartel's ramp-up for a hot war with Iran (supported by both the red and blue political party marketing brands), on April 8, 2019 the Trump administration designated Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including its Qods Force (deployed outside of Iran), as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, effective April 15, 2019. Because the IRGC operates as an arm of the government within Iran, the U.S. declaration makes Iran a terrorist state, essentially including that nation as a target in the post-9-11 false flag "endless war against terror," despite the fact this war has no U.S.A. Constitutional or global legal basis.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif responded to the cartel's "terrorist" designation of the IRGC by recommending in a letter to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani that—"given the ongoing overt and covert support of U.S. military forces in the region for groups that have been involved in terrorist acts against Iran—the Supreme National Security Council should designate U.S. Central Command as terrorists."470

Zarif comments hit the mark; for example piracy on the high seas directed at Iranian vessels by the U.S. and British navies. On July 5, 2019, the cartel's terrorism against Iran continued with the seizure on an Iranian oil tanker by Gibraltar (U.K.).471 The excuse given was an implausible and poorly staged attack on a Japanese vessel in the Gulf of Oman472 and a drone provocation in the Strait of Hormuz.473 The U.K. held the Iranian oil tanker for a month, before releasing it, supposedly over U.S. objections. After the unsuccessful piracy, the U.S. attempted to bribe the captain of the ship.474 Having failed in these provocations, the U.K. announced in early November that ships flying under its flag no longer require Royal Navy accompaniment.

The cartel's impetus behind the seizure of the Iranian tanker was to prevent the oil from reaching Syria, to supply the legitimate government against which the U.S. has issued sanctions; while simultaneously, the U.S. and its mercenaries (the rebel Syrian army and ISIS, including all its variants, some of which are now under Turkish command), were still pretending that the presence of U.S. troops is about "fighting terrorism," rather than regime change, destruction of a sovereign currency, and theft of the Syria's natural resources (oil).

Given Russia's recent memo of understanding with Iran regarding joint naval exercises and operations to protect shipping through the Strait of Hormuz475—a battery of Russian SS-NX-26 Yakhont missiles, with a top speed of Mach 2.9, are lined up along the Iranian northern shore of the Strait of Hormuz, for which U.S. aircraft carriers have no defense476—and the potential purchase of Iranian oil by European nations via their sanctions workaround payment system (INSTEX), an attack by the U.S. risks serious reprisals from a number of directions. At the August 2019 meeting of the G7 in Biarritz, France, the Iranian Foreign Minister showed up on invitation from the French Foreign Minister (after the treaty abrogation by the U.S., Iran refuses to negotiate directly with the U.S.477), in an effort to salvage the nuclear agreement and remove the sanctions. Further, the Western states and Japan refused to join the U.S. organized anti-Iran Persian Gulf coalition.478 Nevertheless, the cartel is ramping up its military presence in the Persian Gulf,479 including Saudi Arabia, as well as the Red Sea,480 where an Iranian vessel was hit by two missiles, while Iranian patrols seized a couple of smuggling operation.481 It is unclear at this time who (Houthis, Houthis using Iranian weapons, or Iran) was responsible for the drone attack on Saudi oil production facilities. Between December 27—30th, 2019, Iran joined Russia and China for naval drills in the Gulf of Oman.

However, given the conditions that the Europeans have stipulated for Iran to benefit from the INSTEX workaround of U.S. sanctions,482 it may be more likely that Iran goes in the other direction and becomes a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Up to this point, the multi-faceted attack on Iran revealed how the cartel believes it will break Eurasian integration: by attacking the weakest link in the three key states of China, Russia and Iran, which interconnect the whole spectrum cross-continental trade: the Belt and Road Initiative; the Eurasia Economic Union; the Shanghai Cooperation Organization; and the International North-South Transportation Corridor.483

However, the U.S. attack on Iraq on January 2, 2020—which killed Iranian Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani and an Iraqi top militia leader, Jamal Jaafar Ibrahimi, the founder of the Kataib Hezb’Allah militia, which the U.S. held responsible for a recent attack on its base in Kirkuk—changed the dynamics completely, with Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, vowing revenge, and Iran’s defense minister, Brig. Gen. Amir Hatami, declaring that the attack would be met with a "crushing" response.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard commander Gholamali Abuhamzeh warned that his country will punish the United States anywhere within the reach of the Islamic Republic in retaliation for the murder of General Qassem Soleimani:

"About 35 U.S. targets in the region are within our reach and Tel Aviv, which is the heart and life of the United States, is also within reach ... The Strait of Hormuz is a vital point for the West. A large number of U.S. destroyers and warships crosses the Strait of Hormuz, the Oman Sea, and the Persian Gulf."

Under Soleimani's command, the Quds Force expanded its support for armed groups across the region, including in Iraq, where U.S. officials blamed Iranian-backed militias for killing at least 600 American troops following the 2003 U.S. invasion, as well as in Syria and Lebanon (where there is now local resistance to their presence), and Yemen. The force also was named in a 2011 plot to assassinate a Saudi diplomat at a Washington restaurant. Apparently, Soleimani’s presence in Iraq was a trap set by the U.S. The official story being built by corporate news is that, seven months earlier, Soleimani was marked for assassination, given certain conditions by Trump, who is being counseled by the intelligence services.

Before the attack, Putin's dealings with Hezb'Allah and its variants, which fall under the control of the Quds Force, appeared to be the key to stabilizing conditions from the Eastern Mediterranean to India. Without a rollback of the Iranian-funded and supplied Islamists, the cartel's aggressive military strategy across the Levant, Arabia, and Asia will not change, despite the Russian S-300s and S-400s and its loss of Syria (minus some key oilfields). The latest uprisings in Iran, engineered by the cartel's proxies, is directly related to Iran’s threat of moving Hezb’Allah across the Levant to the Mediterranean.

Putin's position as the chief global mediator has been strengthened by the U.S. assassination of Soleimani. If a full-fledged war between the U.S. and Iran is to be prevented, Putin's strategy will be the key. He has some choices, which include offering Iran top Russian military technology and advisors and declaring that any attack on these assets are an attack on Russia (which, as we've discussed in Sections I and II, has the capability of destroying U.S. military targets anywhere around the globe); and then offering to mediate. On the same day that Iran responded to the assassination of Soleimani by attacking the U.S. airbase in Iraq, the Russian Ministry of Defense offered Iraq its first-in-class S-400 missile system to control its own airspace. A week later, the U.S. reported that on the same day of the assassination, it had also attempted and failed to eliminate Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander Gen. Abdul Reza Shahlai, who was in Yemen at the time, essentially verifying the U.S. charges that Iran and Hezb'Allah are supplying the Houthis.

After approximately 20 missiles landed at or near two U.S. bases, the Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (who was denied a visa to enter the U.S. to speak to the U.N.) tweeted that "Iran took & concluded proportionate measures in self-defense under Article 51 of UN Charter ... We do not seek escalation or war, but will defend ourselves against any aggression." Apparently, this measure was satisfactory to the cartel’s military proxies, with the U.S. making no threats on further military actions. Trump brushed off this attack, saying that there were no injuries to personnel or equipment, which was backed by the initial CNN report; yet Reuters later reported 80 people died, and the New York Times reported 34 brain injuries. If the latter reports are true, then it appears that (from a multipolar point-of-view) despite what could be used as an excuse for escalation, the U.S. military proxy has decided (wisely) that a war with Iran would not be winnable. From a unipolar point of view, the assassination and response could be seen as a coordinated effort to reduce the effectiveness of Hezb’Allah. In fact, 20 days later, an elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander was shot dead by masked assailants in front of his house in southwestern Iran. He commanded the IRGC’s hardline domestic wing, the Basij militia, and was a close ally of Soleimani.

However, Trump stated that further (unnamed) sanctions would be implemented, and that he will not permit Iran to build nuclear weapons (and here). In a reversal of his previous position, Trump called upon NATO signatories to the previous nuclear deal with Iran to join with the U.S. in creating a new agreement, which they did after being threatened with tariffs. On January 28, 2020, the Iranian parliament received a motion on Tuesday to quit the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The following week, Iran announced it would be launching its third satellite into orbit. The U.S. claims this program is designed to develop long-range ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads. On February 3, 2020, Josep Borrell, EU high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, met with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in an attempt to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) regarding Iran’s nuclear program.

Beyond the step back on both sides from a war, Trump’s most stunning follow-up announcement was the development of a U.S. hypersonic missile program to catch up to Russia’s already operational system (discussed in Section I) that is designed to thwart any existing missile defense.

While this tit-for-tat exchange is apparently over, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani made it clear that his country still saw its mission as driving the United States out of the Middle East. "Our final answer to his assassination will be to kick all US forces out of the region," Mr. Rouhani wrote on Twitter on January 8, 2020. In response to Trump’s comments about Iran standing down after their symbolic missile retaliation, Iranian Army commander Abdollah Araghi warned the U.S. not to think that the Islamic Republic was going to sit idle after this recent attack in Iraq, and that Iran would take "harsher revenge soon."

Putin has his work cut out for him. It was reported that Trump informed Putin of the impending attack on Soleimani before notifying Congress. At this point, any analysis of what went on behind closed doors would be speculation.

During this episode, the U.S. doubled its troop strength in Iraq to 6,000 combatants, in part to offset the withdrawal of other NATO troops. Acting after a vote of the parliament of Iraq, Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said in a statement on January 10, 2010, that he had asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a phone call "to send a delegation to Iraq to put a mechanism [in place] for implementing the Iraqi parliament decision to safely withdraw troops from Iraq." The immediate response from the U.S. State Department was that the American military will not abide by the requests of the Iraqi government to leave the country and instead will stay indefinitely. Over 1 million Iraqis marched to protest the U.S. military presence.

Trump followed by threatening the implementation of sanctions, including cutting off Iraq’s account at the New York Federal Reserve branch (presently holding about $35 billion), where it deposits its oil revenues, which pay for 90% of its budget. This is forcing Iraq to find other means to regain its sovereignty; e.g., driving it to start over with China, Russia, and Iran. Additionally, Iraqi President Barham Salih met with Trump in Davos on January 22, 2020, and continued to press him for an orderly withdrawal of U.S. troops.

An earlier U.S. demand was for 50% of Iraq’s oil revenues, on the premise of fighting ISIS and rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure, which it destroyed. This stimulated talks between Iraq and China for a deal which resulted in China agreeing to partner in rebuilding and expanding infrastructure in return for payment in oil, as well as integrating Iraq into the Belt & Road Initiative. It also opens the door for Russia and China to relaunch the Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline from Iran’s huge Persian Gulf South Pars gas field it shares with Qatar.

Iraqi Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi said that Trump threatened "... huge demonstrations with Marine snipers on tall buildings to target protesters and security personnel ... I refused again and handed in my resignation. To this day the Americans insist on us rescinding our deal with the Chinese." In fact, there were demonstrations with snipers targeting protesters, in an effort to blame the Iraqi government for firing on its own people, just as Trump threatened. At the same time, the actions of the Iraqi police are becoming increasingly violent as protests continue, so the degree of influence on the protests by the U.S. and/or by locals who want less Iranian influence is unclear.

From a unipolar point of view, this "forced" shift of Iraq to the East—enforced by absurd U.S. demands—is simply a cheaper and more natural means of developing Iraq. From a multipolar view, the cartel believes it can occupy indefinitely Syria's and Iraq's oil fields to fuel and fund its military presence and to keep FRNs relevant, based on the excuse that they are fighting their own mercenaries (ISIS, etc.) when, in fact, they are fighting Hezb’Allah in "the war that cannot be spoken."


The inversion of the Monroe Doctrine

On December 2, 1823, when President James Monroe invoked what later became known as the Monroe Doctrine, there were two main thrusts to his strategy: the U.S. would remain neutral in European affairs, and it would not accept new colonization of Latin America by European powers. Today, the U.S. interferes 24/7 in European, Latin American, and global affairs, including engineering coups d'état, building vast military networks, directing economic warfare, and staging invasions.

Given such actions and the march of history, the Monroe Doctrine has no relevance, if it ever did, to the western or any hemisphere, as recently noted by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in response to John Bolton's use of the term to justify U.S. attempts to overthrow the duly-elected government of Nicolas Máduro, as well as other cartel-sponsored subversions throughout Central and South America.484

One of the most notable aspects of this rogue policy—toward what the cartel's U.S. proxy considers its "banana republics"—began in 1975 with Operation Condor, which was nominally sold as a strategy to eradicate communist or Soviet influence, but was principally created to suppress potential or active opposition against the cartel's puppet dictatorships and their ongoing usurpation of labor and natural resources in the countries under their suzerainty.485

The militaries for these fascist regimes are trained at the US Army School of the Americas (renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation [WHINSEC] to obfuscate its purpose), located at Fort Benning, Georgia. Since its creation in 1946, some 60,000 Latin American military officers have graduated from the school, all in service to the financiers' consolidated corporate state. According to archives discovered on December 22, 1992, 50,000 people had been murdered, 30,000 people disappeared, and 400,000 people imprisoned by the security forces of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay with cooperation of the CIA. Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela also cooperated during that period, to various degrees, by providing intelligence information.486 The leaders of the U.S.-sponsored coup d’etat in Bolivia were trained at the School of the Americas (and here and here), and have commenced disappearing people.

Quintessential hypocrisy and disingenuousness

Despite these and other egregious violations of international law, the U.S. is pulling out all stops to impede aid to and international trade with targeted Latin American countries, such as Cuba and Venezuela, that are trading with, entering into joint ventures with, and receiving military assistance from Russia and China.

For the cartel's U.S. military and intelligence operations, this means "anything goes," including assassinations. After the duly-elected Hugo Chávez nationalized large sectors of the Venezuelan oil industry—using the proceeds to create housing and sanitation for the poor, as well as social programs for food, healthcare, and education487—the U.S. staged a coup d'état in 2002 that removed Chavez from office for 47 hours, before he was restored to power. Eventually, the CIA was able to infiltrate Chávez' inner circle and poison him, which led to his death from cancer.488

Current President Nicolas Máduro, a close associate of Chávez, is a target as well, narrowly escaping an attempted assassination by drone, and then defeating an attempted coup in which the U.S. tried to appoint Juan Guaidó, a CIA asset, to the presidency.489 While the usual cartel proxies in Latin America and Europe lined up behind this charade,490 the transparency of the power play undermined U.S. credibility worldwide,491 which we can see in the results detailed in each previously posted section of this analysis. It also led to a concerted effort, on the part of Venezuela’s allies (Russia, China, Cuba, etc.) to double down in assistance,492 met by additional economic, military, and intelligence measures from the cartel. However, Venezuela's oil production increased by more than 20 percent in November 2019, reaching its highest level since the U.S. tightened its sanctions against the state-owned company in August 2019, due to increased purchases by India and Spain (and here).

Controlling the masses via debt slavery

Prior to the Bolivarian Revolution, extending into the 1990s, the levels of poverty in Venezuela were abysmally high.

• "More than 70 percent of the Venezuelan population did not meet minimum calorie and protein requirements, while approximately 45 percent were suffering from extreme undernourishment.
• More than half of Venezuelan children suffered from some degree of malnutrition.
• Infant mortality was exceedingly high.
• 23 percent of the Venezuelan population was illiterate. The rate of functional illiteracy was of the order of 42%.
• One child in four was totally marginalized from the educational system (not even registered in the first grade of primary school).
• More than half the children of school age never entered high school.
• A majority of the population had little or no access to health care services.
• Half the urban population had no access to an adequate system of running water within their home.
• Unemployment was rampant.
• More than 30 percent of the total workforce was unemployed or underemployed, while 67 percent of those employed in non-agricultural activities received a salary which did not enable them to meet basic human needs (food, health, housing, clothing, etc.).
• Three-quarters of the labor force were receiving revenues below the minimum subsistence wage." 493

A cash-poor nation rich in resources

The impact of U.S. sanctions—justified by an ongoing, poorly organized coup d’état, under the guise of "democratic opposition" (much like the cartel’s strategy in Syria and Hong Kong)—is having a severe impact on the people of Venezuela (approximately 100,000 deaths): with medicines, which have since been provided by Cuba, China, the Pan American Health Organization, and Iran494; with balance of trade, since Venezuela derives 90% of its foreign exchange from oil exports495 (Despite U.S. sanctions against any nation or corporation doing business with Venezuela, Chevron received a 90-day exemption [beginning on October 23, 2019] for its operations.496); with software, with Adobe, Oracle, and other providers withdrawing service497 (exposing how software-as-a-service [SAS] gives the cartel control over its subjects'/customers' electronic communications and information); and, various other sectors.498 Venezuela has moved to replace revenue streams by mortgaging its riches (oil, gold, and other precious metals), via exchanges with Russia, China,499 Cuba, Iran, and others, as well as improving domestic spending and production in various sectors.500

Venezuela’s known oil reserves of 301,000 MMbbl (billions of barrels) is about 12% more hydrocarbon reserves than Saudi Arabia. However, it is a heavy crude, which results in more pollution in both refining and in consumption, though this is not a concern to the cartel, which operates in the desperation of a war mode, to implement its objectives—power, profit, propaganda, and population reduction.501 Thus, it’s easy to see why Venezuela is a prime target, because delivering oil from there to Texas takes on 2-4 days, while delivery from the Middle East takes 40-45 days and requires passage through Iran-controlled Strait of Hormuz.502

Venezuela also contains enough undeveloped gold deposits to potentially make it the second-largest gold-producing nation in the world,503 thus it a rich source for commodities that back currencies in a world dominated by the private control over money creation; i.e., the Federal Reserve System, being the printing press for the principal world reserve currency, along with the financiers’ weaponized IMF and World Bank.504

What Venezuela does not have, in terms of assets and resources, which most of the nations attacked since 9-11 have in common, is control over its own central bank and currency. However, as noted in Section II of this online book, Venezuela is in the beginning stages of rolling out its own crypto-currency backed by oil, starting with domestic use505 (seen as a major threat to Federal Reserve Note [FRN] hegemony506) while it continues to exchange goods and services (including energy, heavy crude refining technology, and arms,507) with its trading partners—Iran, China, Russia, and Cuba—in each other’s currencies,508 outside of the Federal Reserve System and its electronic SWIFT value exchange. As noted, Russia and China have signed multiple trade pacts and loan agreements with Venezuela to deal with the nation’s rough transition away from FRNs and to put its economy on firm ground.509 Even India, a cartel proxy, vowed to keep buying Venezuelan oil.510 In February 2020, Maduro announced emergency measures to shield his country's oil industry from cartel aggressions.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Venezuelan President Nicolas Máduro

One may see this punishing economic restructuring511 from either a unipolar or multipolar perspective; for example, from a unipolar perspective, the cartel could be accomplishing this while meeting its population reduction goals, and at the same time enabling its eastern public sector subdivisions (Russia and China) to benefit from Venezuela’s oil and mineral wealth; or, from a multipolar perspective, we are seeing an actual battleground where Russia and China have drawn a line in the sand and are beginning to back it up, as they did in Syria.

Softening up Venezuela through Sabotage

In addition to the cartel’s direct attack on Venezuela’s central bank and currency512 and theft of its gold513 and other assets,514 as well as its financial515 and intelligence516 aid for the CIA-groomed asset, Juan Guaidó—who was rejected by the U.N.517 and other leaders518—it has staged false-flag events along Venezuela’s border with Columbia,519 sabotaged Venezuela’s electrical grid520 (solved by China521), broadcasting infrastructure, and pipelines,522 built up military forces on Venezuela’s border with Guyana523, Columbia,524 (with the complicity of Peru and Brazil [and here]), as well as in the Gulf,525 invaded sovereign air space,526 committed crimes against humanity,527 violated the Geneva Convention and U.S. law,528 and rolled out an all-out propaganda campaign in the corporate mass media,529 including the arrest of U.S. journalists reporting on this PSYOPS.530 However, Putin has declared that U.S. military intervention will not be tolerated,531 and backed this up by sending an array of armaments and technicians to Venezuela,532 to supplement the massive preparedness undertaken by the populace (and here). Various former U.S. intelligence officers and other national security practitioners have urged Trump to pull back from this war,533 but Trump (as the mouthpiece), emboldened by the U.S. coup d'état in Bolivia, re-upped threats toward Venezuela (and here). One of Russia’s responses was to nationalize Venezuelan oil assets owned by Rosneft, so that U.S. sanctions would be directed at the state, not the company.

In addition to the transparent malevolency of a war justified by a U.S. sponsored subversion posing as a local insurgency, the seizure of Venezuela’s gold has added to the growing mistrust of the cartel’s private central banks, even among its captured states, as evidenced by Italy’s repatriation of its reserves.534

On the horizon

There is one loose end in all of this that continued to perplex: Guaidó—despite his implication in various treasonous acts (attempted coups d’état (and here),535 sabotage of the electrical grid and gas lines,536 false-flag skirmishes with Columbia,537 funding from the cartel (under the guise of "humanitarian aid," 538 narco-terrorism,539 etc.540)—currently remains at-large.541 Perhaps, given that U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that all options for "restoring democracy" in Venezuela remain at the table, including military intervention542 and assassination, Venezuela and its Russian and Chinese543 advisors needed to until the proper military infrastructure is in place, including the readiness of Venezuelan troops,544 and the economy recovering, before they arrest or charge the CIA asset and the deal with blowback from the cartel. Apparently, that time arrived on February 15, 2020 when Venezuela's Communication Minister Jorge Rodriguez presented new evidence on a series of corruption acts in which the U.S.-backed opposition lawmaker Juan Guaidó is the main protagonist. On March 31, the Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, announced an official summons (and here) for Guaidó to appear before the court on April 2, 2020. In response, the U.S. sent gunboats to Venezuela.

Surprisingly, an arrest of Guaidó has proved unnecessary in his loss of credibility, as his own party rejected him for his corruption. He regularly makes a further fool of himself, including staged assassination attempts on his life. Despite Guaidó’s increasing irrelevancy, the National Assembly finally took up the task of investigating him, for the abuse of millions of dollars provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development, a CIA front, as well as narco-terrorism. A visit to Spain by Guaidó was greeted with protest, and Spain’s National Executive body rejected his claims. Guaidó is more popular in Washington, D.C., with both the blue and red parties, than in his own country, or elsewhere. In reply to the evidence of narco-terrorism by Guaidó, the U.S. charged Maduro with the same, which was immediately refuted by Former Vice Secretary of the United Nations and Former Executive Director of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime Pino Arlacchi, who responded that Venezuela has always been outside the main cocaine trafficking circuits between the world’s main producer and consumer; Colombia and the United States. The charge against Maduro further backfired, evidenced by the summons of Guaidó.

What Syria, Iran, and Venezuela reveal about WWIII

At the beginning of this section, "Key theatres of war," we identified various characteristics of the nations that have been attacked since the 9-11 false flag operation staged by the Anglo-Euro-American banking cartel as the casus belli for "the endless war on terrorism," which is a euphemism for "the endless war for private control over currency and the theft of oil and gold reserves." As we have seen, Syria, Iran, and Venezuela possess, in varying degrees, all of these characteristics.

We have also detailed how the lawful governments in each of these theatres of war is contesting the attacks of the cartel via military and economic aid from the Sino-Russian coalition and other nations that trade in their own currencies, goods, and services.

We also noted that almost all of the analyses in both the corporate mass media and the global progressive journalism platforms ignore the historical ethnic and religious conflicts that underlie these conflicts and/or alliances. At various junctures, we also explained how these conflicts can be analyzed in terms of either a unipolar or multipolar global model.

However, in either case, as we base our analysis on scientific method and empirical reasoning, which are the foundation for valid inquiries in the natural and social sciences, then we are required to include all relevant data, which includes motivations based on ethnicity and religion. One need look no further than the numerous attempts at treaties in the Levant to see how all efforts have ignored the underlying antagonisms and have failed.

Religious beliefs must give way to scientific and spiritual inquiry

As we noted, part of this flawed approach accepts the notion that ethnic and religious animosities are unsolvable. We disagree with this notion, on the basis of our explanation in Solomon’s Proof and 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation: humankind is at its crossroads; it can evolve or it can be enslaved.

To evolve, we must recognize the convergence of science and spirituality, meaning that Singularity and monotheism possess essentially the same qualities (i.e., everything that ever was, is, and will be versus omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence), all of which are necessarily embedded in humankind, including the evolutionary progression of light and consciousness, as we explain in the next section.

Continued in Section IV: WWIII treaty stipulations.

* * *

Robert Bows studied political science and economics at Stanford University during the late ‘60’s, while protesting the war in Vietnam. He is the author of the Home Rule Charter of the Town of Ward, Colorado, as well as a former producer, writer, and director for both Colorado Public Television and Rocky Mountain PBS. He is one of the founders of the Public Banking Institute.


249 and 250
252, , and
256 The government of Syria considers the Turkish-US agreement on the security zone as an attack against its sovereignty and territorial integrity and a violation of the principles of international law and the UN Charter.,
259 Observations on: I. The Answer of M L'Abbé de Vertot to the late Earl Stanhope's Inquiry concerning the Senate of Ancient Rome, dated December 1719; II. A Dissertation upon the Constitution of the Roman Senate, by a Gentleman, published in 1743; III. A Treatise on the Roman Senate, by Dr. Conyers Middleton, published in 1747; IV. An Essay on the Roman Senate, by Dr. Thomas Chapman, published in 1750; by Mr. Hooke, published in 1758, specifically "Observations of Dr. Middleton’s Treatise and Dr. Chapman’s Essay on the Roman Senate," p. 189.
260 After 70 C.E., Jews were only allowed to practice their religion if they paid the Jewish tax, and after 135 C.E. were barred from Jerusalem except for the day of Tisha B'Av, much as Jews were barred from the Old City by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Sunni Islam) until 1967, when the Old City was captured during the Six-Day War.
261 H.H. Ben-Sasson, A History of the Jewish People, Harvard University Press, 1976, ISBN 0-674-39731-2, page 334: “In an effort to wipe out all memory of the bond between the Jews and the land, Hadrian changed the name of the province from Iudaea to Syria-Palestina, a name that became common in non-Jewish literature.”
265 The Koran, translated with notes by the Iraqi scholar, N.J. Dawood, Penguin Books, London, 1993, p. 7. 266
267, ,,,,,,,,,,, and, and
267-b,,,,,,,,,,, and
267-c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and
268,,, and
270 The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler.
271, which links to numerous studies
272 Quoted in Joseph B. Schechtman, The Mufti and the Fuehrer: The Rise and Fall of Haj Amin el-Husseini (New York: Yoseloff, 1965), p. 139.
277 Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, by Anthony C. Sutton, GSG Publishers, 2002, paperback, pp. 31, 34, 37, 39, 48, 67, 68, and 75 as quoted at
279 Eustace Mullins, Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America, The National Council for Medical Research, Staunton, Virginia, 1995.
280 75% Jews, 21% Arabs [Muslims or other religious practices], at 4% other (including non-practicing Jews, Christian non-Arabs, Muslim non-Arabs, and all other residents who have neither an ethnic nor religious classification)
285,, and The same holds true in Africa:
286 and
287 According to diplomatic sources, new trilateral talks among the group will take place in Nur-Sultan, the Kazakh capital, possibly on September 11th, to make a point regarding the date after which the cartel’s “endless war on terrorism” began.
288,, and
289 and
291 Transcript:
292 For example, these tracts that ran in Russia Insider, which never mentions the editing of the Christian bible in the 3rd and 4th centuries:,,, and
300 and
302 and and
304 The base recently came under control of Russian troops:
307 and
308 and
323 Baser, Bahar (2015). Diasporas and Homeland Conflicts: A Comparative Perspective, Ashgate Publishing, p. 63. (ISBN 978-1-4724-2562-1)
324 Toumani, Meline. “Minority Rules,” New York Times, 17 February 2008
325 Aslan, Senem (2014). Nation Building in Turkey and Morocco. Cambridge University Press. p. 134. ISBN 978-1-107-05460-8.
326 Op. cit., Baser
330,,, and
331 and
337 and
341 and
342,,,, and
343 Ibid. and
350 and
351 Ibid.
354 Ibid. and
359 and
362,, and
367 and
370 and
375 and
377 and
382 and
385,, and
387,,, and
388 and
389 and
391 and
395,, and
396,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and
398 Ibid.
402 Abba Eban, Heritage—Civilization and the Jews, Summit Books, New York, 1984, p. 118.
403 Observations on: I. The Answer of M L’Abbé de Vertot to the late Earl Stanhope’s Inquiry concerning the Senate of Ancient Rome, dated December 1719; II. A Dissertation upon the Constitution of the Roman Senate, by a Gentleman, published in 1743; III. A Treatise on the Roman Senate, by Dr. Conyers Middleton, published in 1747; IV. An Essay on the Roman Senate, by Dr. Thomas Chapman, published in 1750; by Mr. Hooke, published in 1758, specifically “Observations of Dr. Middleton’s Treatise and Dr. Chapman’s Essay on the Roman Senate,” p. 189.
404 The Jesus Papers: Exposing the Greatest Cover-Up in History , HarperSanFrancisco, 2006.
405 Duane Davis, “Out of the Darkness,” A review of Ann Wroe’s Pontius Pilate, Random House, New York, 2000, as it appeared in the Denver Rocky Mountain News, Books section, April 16, 2000, p. 1.

Another excellent examination of anti-Semitism in Christianity is James Carroll’s Constantine’s Sword: The Church and the Jews, Houghton Mifflin, 2001. One need look no further than Luther’s teachings themselves to see how derivative Christian sects continued this hateful distortion.

Also, concerning the falseness of traditional evidence against the Jews, see Rev. Upton Clary Ewing, The Prophet of the Dead Sea Scrolls: The Essenes and the Early Christians—One and the Same Holy People, Tree of Life Publications, Joshua Tree, CA, 1994.
407 and
408 409 and
410 Frances D’Emilio, “Vatican No. 2: Pius protected Jews during WWII,” Associated Press, 10/7/08.
412,, and
417,,,,,,,, and
419 and, and
422,,, and
424 and
425 Muslim 54% (27% Sunni Islam, 27% Shia Islam), Christian 40.5% (includes 21% Maronite Catholic, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Melkite Catholic, 1% Protestant, 5.5% other Christian), Druze 5.6%, very small numbers of Jews, Baha'is, Buddhists, Hindus and Mormons:
426 October 25, 2019:
427 and
428 and
430 Ibid.
432 Ibid. and
433 Ibid.
435 “We had discussed that we need more effective cooperation between Russia’s Ministry of Defence and Israel. As you know, many of the air-strikes could have been prevented. That is the way to alleviate Israel’s concerns. We need to alleviate these concerns by non-military means.”
437 and,, and
438,,,, and
442 and
443 Thus, public discussions like the following from the Jerusalem Post are “limited hangout” (i.e., PSYOPS):
445,,,, and
448,,,,,, and
450,,,, and
452,, and
453 and
459,, and
469 and
478 and
480 and
481 and
484 and
489,, and
490 and
491 and
492,,,, and
493 Michel Chossudovsky, excerpts from La Miseria en Venezuela, Vadell, Caracas, 1978, translated from Spanish,
494,,, and 495,,,,, and
499,, and
500 and
503 and
504 and
505 and
508 and
509,,,,,,,,,, and
511,,,,,,,,,,, and
512,,,, and
513,,, and
514, and
515,, and 516
517,, and
518 ,,, and
519,,,,,,,,,, and
520,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and
521,, and
524 and
527,,,,, and
528,,, , and
529,,,,, and
531 ,, and
532,,,,,,,, ,, and
533,, and
534,,, and
535 and,,,,,,, and
538,, and
539,,,, and
540,, ,, and
541,,,,,,,,,,, and
543,, and
544 and

Copyright 2019, Robert Bows

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