May 13, 2018

7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation: Introduction

[The following is an excerpt from our new book, 7 Steps to Global Economic and Spiritual Transformation, which is now available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other sites.]

"The citizen who thinks he sees that the commonwealth's political clothes are worn out, and yet holds his peace and does not agitate for a new suit, is disloyal, he is a traitor. That he may be the only one who thinks he sees this decay, does not excuse him: it is his duty to agitate anyway, and it is the duty of others to vote him down if they do not see the matter as he does." —Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, 1889, Ch. 13.

Economic and spiritual transformation

Humanity is at its crossroads. The evidence is undeniable: human populations, driven by self-subscribed consumption demands, are not only destroying the environment——including air, water, and arable land—but are destroying each other in competition for the natural resources needed to sustain their over-consumption.

Over-consumption is both an economic and spiritual problem: it is economic because it demands that labor and commerce produce and distribute goods and services to satisfy its appetite; it is spiritual because our current level of demand represents instinctive and egoistic impulses untempered by our higher nature and out of synch with Mother Nature's renewable capacities.

There has always been a segment of humankind that questions the existence of our higher nature, leveraging their mechanistic, cause and effect view of phenomena to marginalize any thoughts of the greater good. Until recently it was only possible to counter such pseudo-scientific reasoning with intuitive arguments that fall short of empirical proof; however, such empirical proof is now available, as we see in the framework provided by Solomon's Proof.1

Solomon’s Proof, based on an interrelated body of scientific theories, data, and observations2 generated by the unfolding work of contemporary physicists and mathematicians, shows that everything in the universe emanates from the same point of origin and returns back to it: the Singularity, or unified field—an anomalistic state of matter3 in which the entire universe is undifferentiated; that is, not comprised of similar molecules, atoms, or sub-atomic particles, but consisting of the very same uniform state throughout.4

This Singularity is what we intuit as omnipresence, the root of all spiritual and religious experience. It is the unitary 1st dimension in which science and spirituality converge: the supreme state of being, an anomaly from which the infinite potentiality of the universe unfolds—first as duality (wave and particle, light and darkness, etc.),5 and then in additional dimensions.6

Solomon’s Proof reveals the intrinsic logic and framework of this sequencing, from the origins of the universe to the next (3rd major) step in human evolution, which is nothing less than light becoming conscious of itself; that is, overcoming the tyranny of the instincts and ego, and unfolding into what the proof terms "conscious spiritual evolution"—a logical progression from the two preceding key steps in human development: (1) standing erect, i.e., "unconscious physical evolution," and (2) mastering symbolic forms (language, music, mathematics, etc.), i.e., "subconscious mental evolution."

To create an economically sustainable and spiritually evolved society—which reflects this progression of universal forces7—requires a self-consciousness act on the part of each individual; in other words, each of us adopting a spiritual practice that empowers our higher nature. Such a practice may consist of anything on the scale from learning to take a deep breath and counting to ten, whenever circumstances require, to undertaking a full-fledged yoga practice that encompasses each of the traditional eight steps; or, alternatively, taking up some in-between practice, any of a host of proven techniques designed to overcome the tyranny of the instincts and the ego.

In any case, the self-conscious global transformation that we seek is both economic and spiritual.

The development and objective of this thesis

As Solomon's Proof shows, human beings are a refined evolutionary development of light—light conscious of itself—and, as such, have a great deal more power than they are aware. Every one of us is an emanation of the indefinable force that animates creation; yet, the illusion of our separateness, fostered by the instincts and ego and their hormonal components,8 has dominated humankind’s behavior for much of its history, despite our nurturing and contemplative capacities.

One of the key ways in which this illusion of separateness propagates itself, like The Matrix in the film of the same name, is by valuing human activity and culture in terms of money-as-a-commodity—such as capital, gold and silver, or oil—instead of valuing human activity and culture for their own sake, first and foremost, and by making these activities the true measure of value.

When we value money over people, we enable an abstraction to rule over us and suppress our nature, rather than self-directing the value that we create, by our labor,9 to further our own development.

In this way, money, in its commodified form as capital—and the psychological and emotional imperatives that are presently bound to it—has become the principle obstacle to economic and spiritual transformation. Despite its ubiquity, money remains one of the least understood forces in our world; yet, the proper use of money being inextricably bound to our spiritual transformation makes our understanding of it doubly important.

Thus, Step 1—Exposing the story of money and usury explores how money is transformed from the value created by labor into a commodity (capital), whenever money creation is privately controlled. In this way, labor becomes a commodity via interest, which usurps the fruits of labor. This is why Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all oppose usury.

In Step 2—Rejecting the false divisions of ethnicities, religions, political parties, and nationalities, we dissect some of the most insidious disinformation generated around these topics, beginning with the way in which religion has perverted spiritual teachings to justify the primacy of private wealth over the commonwealth.

A key factor in our ability to discredit and defuse such propaganda is to raise awareness of the nature of the powers-that-be and their objectives. In Step 3—Transposing the money cartel’s point-of-view, we piece together the modus operandi of those who control the corporate banking pyramid scheme. Understanding the world from this vantage point allows us to see how issues have been manufactured to divide us and distract us from the root cause of global dysfunction—private control over money creation—and how this has enabled control over the planet by a handful of families.

When we are no longer divided by illusory differences, we are free to reorganize our resources into relationships that serve the commonwealth. Step 4—Making money a public utility through sustainable economics, explains the principles by which publicly owned banks have thrived through the centuries in places as diverse as Australia, Venice, Guernsey, Libya, Germany, Switzerland, and North Dakota. The secret to this success is simple: the profits of the bank are returned to the general fund of the public body (nation, state, county, and/or city), to be spent into the economy, or used to increase credit on "Main Street," rather than having it siphoned off by "Wall Street," which serves over-consumption and the lust of power for a handful of persons. In delineating the differences between the system of privately controlled banks, currency, and credit versus a publicly owned monetary system, we prove that the only truly sustainable model is money as a public utility, just as Aristotle noted, where interest and private banks are permanently retired, enabling stable currency value and commodity prices, as well as sustainable economies, as the rule.

However, publicly owned banks, in and of themselves, are not sufficient to bring about the great economic and spiritual transformation that is our evolutionary birthright. Democratic societies cannot exist without a free, decentralized press and verifiable elections. The requirements for these functions are detailed in Step 5—Restoring democracy.

Before we conclude by exploring our personal options, we must pause and take notice of the ravages that surround us. In Step 6—Restoring law, science, and logic, we consider how the banking cartel came to control the legal system, empirical endeavors, and thought itself. Understanding this, we then offer a strategy for the re-establishment of law and scientific method governed by the power of reasoning, rather than the exigencies of capital.

This leads us to our conclusion, Step 7—Taking humanity’s next step, a discussion of the intrinsic economic and spiritual implications of light as it progresses from the origins of the universe to universal consciousness. Finally, in the last section of this concluding chapter, we look at how each of us, singularly and collectively, can contribute to this evolutionary economic and spiritual transformation.

Humanity at its crossroads: Your role

Above and beyond the key societal dynamics of economics and spirituality explicated in this book, there are a variety of other critical functions, such as education, agriculture, transportation, etc., that must be transformed as well. For the outcome of our current crisis be positive, it will take self-conscious acts on the part of many people—each discovering, developing, and sharing their unique gifts. Despite the emotional, mental, and spiritual artifacts that hold back portions of humanity in previous evolutionary stages, as an ever-greater portion of humanity frees itself from its self-imposed limitations, we shall consequently create the conditions that accelerate this transformation.

Prepare to change yourself and join with others to make this global evolution happen.

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1 Solomon’s Proof is posted and updated at The implications of the proof, as the self-described "framework for the final theory," are developed in the novel, Solomon’s Proof, available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other sites.
2 Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, Gamow's Big Bang Theory, Poincaré's Conjecture, String Theory, action-at-a-distance, etc. Also, consider John Hagelin's comments in the video "It's Time to Wake Up — We Are All One" ( at 6:16 and following.
3 The contrapositive, if you will, of the Bose-Einstein Condensate that exists at or near Absolute Zero, at the other end of the energy excitation scale.
4 This does not preclude a model of the universe as "continuous creation," that is, one which cycles through Singularity, big bang expansion (white hole) folding back on itself into contraction (via toroidal motion), which leads to a black hole that eventually returns to Singularity, etc., ad infinitum.
5 That is, the so-called Big Bang theory, which follows the same pattern as Genesis. See Schroeder, Gerald L., Genesis and the Big Bang: The Discovery Of Harmony Between Modern Science And The Bible, Bantam, New York, 1991.
6 Each dimension—1-D (Singularity), 2-D, 3-D, 4-D, and beyond—is subject to its own rules. For example: 2-D is governed by the rules of plane geometry; 3-D is governed by solid geometry; 4-D by topology: etc.
7 All matter being derived from light (quanta).
8 The fight or flight syndrome defined by aggression and fear.
9 In addition to work, labor includes the creation and use of manual tools, machines, computers, and robots that produce goods and services.

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Copyright 2018, Robert Bows

1 comment:

  1. Canadian Finance Ministers have been disobeying the Bank of Canada ACT since 1974. From 1938 to 1974 we loaned money to provinces with no interest. Since 1974 Canadians have paid 1.1 Trillion dollars of interest to private banks that the Bank of Canada use to lend with no interest.
    Ken Billings, editor,
